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How much is required and additional study materials?


I presume this course wouldnt be enough to pass the exam?
what else would be required and how much previous knowledge is needed?

I have paid for this course a year ago but not found the time to study for. Have been studying lots of Azure.
I now have 6 weeks until the exam and course expires and unsure if it is for me.
I am unable to get a refund so I may just give it a go.

But how hard and how much extra materials will be required to take exam in around 4 weeks etc?

Many thanks for any input


  • theinrichs

    Hi marcs74,

    the material covers all topics from the exam. You can find a lot of additional material in the links in the course if you want to prepare for the exam.

    Best regards

  • marcs74

    so the course should be sufficient if put the work in to study it and links for some extra to help?

    do i need to setup any sort of infrastructure environment?

  • marcs74

    3-4 weeks maybe pushing my luck though

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 1,917

    We highly recommend the prerequisite free edX courses and make sure to check out the external links in the course.

  • marcs74

    any links for the edx? only see paid on their site and would take many many weeks

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 1,917

    Prerequisites are listed on the course enrollment page (https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/kubernetes-and-cloud-native-essentials-lfs250/), with links. EdX courses are free to audit for a limited time, you do not have to pay. Enroll in audit mode, not verified.

  • marcs74

    ok my access already expired for those edx. so youtube it is and then the course and exam.

    but not feeling confident in it at all


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