Lab not opening
While attempt to open Lab following message, waited for one hour but nothing came up:
"We are setting up a brand new lab for you. This process may take some time to complete, so please be patient"
1. This message comes up even when it is the very first lab attempted
2. It happens consistently, most of the time
3. Tried clearing cache but it did not help
4. Tried clearing cache and run incognito browser did not help
5. Forum I shall check but what if it still remains un-solved? This issue is not a content/ subject issue but an infrastructure issue, please treat it like as it is
Koushik Das
Hello Koushik Das,
Labs are deployed on as as-needed basis. There is a particular number of labs which are running and waiting for someone to log in. If enough people try to access the labs at the same time a brand-new instance must be launched. You'll note in the status bar it will say "Provisioning". Depending on the lab you have chosen this may take a while as we are using scripts to install the system the same way you would build OpenStack by hand.
We are in the process of migration to a new lab provider who hopefully will not have this issue, and hope to have the migration completed soon.
Which lab were you trying to access? How long did you wait? Did the Status signal change from Provisioning to something else?
0 -
I have tried opening different Labs within LFS252, all behaving the same. I have waited for near a hour and status remains "Applying post-provisioning setup".
It could have been better if Linuxfoundation would have published the Infrastructure and process limitations earlier what been expressed now.
Koushik Das0 -
Hello Koushik Das,
Each time you click and start a new lab it adds to the system load and depletes the number of instances available. If you select four different labs, that's four instances that will then be rebuilt. It does take time to configure an instance to be ready for a particular lab. As I asked before, which lab were your trying to access? How long did you wait per click to start that lab, not all together?
0 -
I am not sure why you are asking the already answered question.
>which lab were your trying to access? LFS252- Lab2, Lab3, Lab4, Lab5. Not all at same time but one at a time after gap of 2 hours in-between
>How long did you wait per click to start that lab, not all together? Waited for a hour and still did not opened. Clicked only one at a time and not multiple at a time. Tried with different Labs as specified above
My question: How long it takes to open a lab after clicking?
My suggestion: Please check the previous comments before putting a question and resolve the matter instead of asking repeated questions, information provided is sufficient enough for a competent person to start working on it.
Koushik Das0 -
We understand you are upset because of the problems encountered, however we ask you to be respectful in your posts. We are just trying to understand exactly what may have caused the problems, to see how better we can assist you. It looks like the issues may have been caused by slowness in the system. While this is not a normal occurance, it can happen from time to time. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to solve this as soon as possible.
Flavia0 -
Hello Koushik Das,
Thank you for the response. I asked which labs you had accessed and how long you waited for each, because the time is different for each lab. You had indicated you had selected multiple labs. As I explained each time you select a new lab the process begins anew. I see that you tried lab 5? There is no lab 5.
I clicked on labs myself. I found that it took between 38 and 45 minutes to come up. Others tested from a different location, different network, different equipement etc, and it worked for them as well with approximatly the same time. I will work with the infrasturctgure team to follow you logins and see if the instances deployed had some issue I did not encounter.
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In response I am just pasting the same what written earlier also, I am not sure why the already answered thing been asked and re-asked over and over again. Just read the pasted again part below, if required I can again paste the same in further queries, this is all that I have:
>which lab were your trying to access? LFS252- Lab2, Lab3, Lab4, Labx..... Not all at same time but one at a time after gap of 2 hours in-between
>How long did you wait per click to start that lab, not all together? Waited for a hour and still did not opened. Clicked only one at a time and not multiple at a time. Tried with different Labs as specified above
0 -
Hi Koushik,
There is no need to repaste your answers over and over again. Both Tim and I read them, and actually Tim explained the behavior of the labs we are currently seeing on our end, including timing and the fact that timing does indeed differ between machines and locations. Please spin one lab at a time and be patient until it provisions, even if it will take longer. We are also looking on our end to see if we can identify anything unusual and potential fixes.
I will again repeat my request to please be respectful when posting in the forum. There is no need to be rude - anything you have to say can be said in a respectful and clear manner.
Thank you!
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