LFS258 - Looking for Kubernetes installation help on Windows system
LFS258 Looking for Kubernetes installation help on Windows system
My system is Windows 7 and 12 GB RAM. 100 GB harddisk space. and 64-bit
Begin by creating an Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine inside of VMware. You will need prior Linux system administration knowledge to install missing packages and any necessary configuration to connect to the internet. Once the VM has been installed and configured you should be able to begin the labs.
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Thanks for the reply.
I dont have vmware support Ubuntu VM. COuld you please share the link to download for windows 7 system?
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could you please help on the link which supported for windows 7 system and how to configure with kubernetes and others?
could you please share the link ?
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could you please help on the link which supported for windows 7 system and how to configure with kubernetes and others?
could you please share the link ?
LFS258 Kubernetes Fundamentals So you've heard of Kubernetes but have no idea what it is or how it works? Then this is the course for you. It will take you from zero to knowing how to deploy a containerized application and manipulating resources via the API.
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The course is written for LInux. While Kubernetes will be very similar between the operating systems, the exercise tasks may be much different. Please note from the webpage:
Prerequisites: To get the most out of this course, you should have basic Linux command line skills and at least some knowledge of linux containers (e.g. Docker).
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I have enough linux basic command knowledge. I keep asking to you about installation guideline.
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Here is a document on installing Kubernetes 16.04. https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/amd64/index.html
While I would start with a minimal sever install, adding the OpenSSH server metapackage, a Desktop install would work as well. Use apt to install missing software as necessary. My system has about 500 packages installed.
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When you install VMware on your personal Windows 7 workstation, you have the option of spinning up a single Ubuntu VM and install minikube on it, which will give you a single node cluster, or by spinning up 1, 2, or more separate Ubuntu VMs you can replicate the master/worker nodes cluster built with kubeadm, as described in the labs.
However, my personal favorite and less hassle is to use either GCP (which I am using now) or AWS to spin up your Ubuntu VMs. Both GCP and AWS give you 1 free year to play around in the cloud, and by doing so you get the true benefits of using Kubernetes on top of Ubuntu VMs in the cloud.
Good luck!
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Hi here's my solution so far for progressing through the labs. I'm using Oracle's VirtualBox as my VM admin software. With that software, I've installed an Ubuntu 16.04 Linux virtual machine. Inside the virtual machine's window I'm using the terminal to install the docker & kubernetes software packages.
I hope this helps you get started and learning Kubernetes. Please feel free to ask questions. :-)
Sean0 -
I was having problems with my local VM lab running Lab 3.1. I have since switched to AWS's free tier of nodes and have successfully completed this lab.
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Thanks for the feedback what worked and what did not.
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Hi Sean, @sdalziel
I attempted to run Lab 3 on vbox Ubuntu VMs, and I was able to complete the exercises. In the topic below I posted some of the steps and my findings. I hope this helps.
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