Lot of Issues while taking CKA exam from PSI browser
We apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. Please note that response time can take several business days.
Flavia0 -
Hi @sundaraman2427,
We are sorry to hear about your experience. The Training team monitoring this forum cannot provide assistance with exam-related issues. Our Customer Support team will be able to help you in rescheduling the exam, but the response time can take several business days (no holidays or weekends). Rest assured they will work with you on a solution when they get to your ticket.
Best regards,
The Linux Foundation Training Team0 -
Hi Flavia, Magda
Thanks for your response.
I wanted to bring to your attention that my validity to attend the exam expires on May 31, 2024. As the deadline is approaching, I would like to request your assistance in expediting the exam scheduling process.
I kindly ask for your support in scheduling the exam at your earliest convenience so that I can complete my attempts within the given timeframe.
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Hi @sundaraman2427,
The Training team cannot assist with exam-related issues or expedite Customer Support processes. Please allow several business days for our Customer Support team to address your ticket. We appreciate your understanding and patience.
The Linux Foundation Training Team0 -
had the worst test experience today taking CKA, wasnt able to copy from browser and patse to terminal even using mouse. Spending alot of time with PSI support through phone and chat which was of no help. really frustrating experience when you get to the test all prepared and you are not able to proceed on the test environment. opened a ticket with PSI, still in progress, but the customers time that's being wasted.....
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Hi @szadvar
We apologize for the issues you encountered during the exam. If you have not done so already, please open a ticket with the Linux Foundation Customer Support team at trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org and they will assist you in rescheduling your exam.
Kind regards,
Linux Foundation Training Team0 -
Today 28th May 2024 I wrote the CKA exam through PSI , faced lots of issues from the first question..really struggled as most of the time cursor was flying here & there, editing using vi was horrible as deleting a single character used to delete multiple characters.... I informed the proctor agent but their response was to restart browser etc. I am really disappointed and afraid to give exam again. Already raised a case with Linux foundation, waiting for their reply.
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Today, I faced the same issue and its horrible the system was freezing, scrolling was so slow and the whole experience altogether was worst, I have raised the issue Lets see what happens
Ticket number : TCCS-111979
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I had the worst experience today doing the checkin proccess as well as during exam when things froze and couldn’t type anything.Firstly my exam was scheduled for 11h30 and i started my checkin process at 11h00.I did in total 10 checkins as everytime i get assigned a new proctor and the whole proccess starts over.I was told its my internet but i work from home and there are several people working from home here and no one has issues.Eventually my checkin process completed after about 1h30 mins and i was exhausted already and couldnt even think straight but took the exam anyway and rushed through it.I ran into issues while taking the exam aswell when i couldnt type anything and everything is just frozen.I feel i was cheated today as i had other commitments and this whole process took much longer than it should and was really draining.I bought CKAD exams aswell but the way this is going i feel i should as for refunds for all my purchases i have with the linux foundation aas this is unacceptable.I was also given a ticket with ticket ID:4431671.Please look into this immediately as i am furious and am reluctant to take any other exams with you guys due to these issues i have faced on numerous occassions.Very unhappy customer.
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Hi @pfortuin
We apologize for the issues encountered during your exam. If you have not done so already, please open a ticket with the Linux Foundation Customer Support Team at trainingsupport@linuxfoundation.org, and they will assist you. Please note that PSI is not authorized to handle Linux Foundation related tickets, so their ticket will not be processed.
Response time from the Linux Foundation team may take several business days (no weekends or holidays), as each ticket is assigned and processed in the order it is received.
Linux Foundation Education0 -
I got a strange issue where Procter first paused my exam due to a WhatsApp POPUP notification coming over the PCI browser, which I feel shouldn't come as I have passed all the initial checks done by the PCI Browser, and My WhatsApp on my Laptop is also closed not in active state. After the exam was paused by Procter, the Technical Guy from the PSI Support team connected to solve this issue, but he also had no solution for that, instead of it he just simply told me to exit the exam without giving any future reference on how to solve this situation either by rescheduling the exam,
That's the worst kind of experience for me because of that I'm sure PSI team is not capable of managing/taking such a reputed exam online and they must have offline centers, coz nobody can predict a notification in a system, moreover when I have already cleared the initial machine check by PSI Browser then what is the reason of such interference during a POPUP notification, if there needs to be restriction then you guys must inform that all the messaging app not only closed also uninstalled from system. Coz that's not my error, that a POPUP notification goes through PSI browser it's an error of the PSI Browser testing team as to why they haven't restricted such notifications,
Now I have to pay for this, on my first attempt I was asked to forcibly close the exam even though there were still 65 minutes left.
@mstepien @fcioanca I have also opened a support ticket - TCCS-119739, please help me with this.
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We apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. The Support team will assist you in rescheduling your exam - please note that response time can take several business days.
Flavia0 -
Hi @fcioanca,
I have noted this, but can I get any update or information related to my queries? It has also been two days since I raised my concern.
Sajid Khan0 -
Forums are meant to be used exclusively for course-content related questions, while all exam-related questions are handled by the Support Team. Response time to tickets can take several business days (no weekends or holidays).
Linux Foundation Education0 -
Even I had similar issue where psi browser get stuck 3 to 4 times. I felt Support time counted as exam time. I think I lost of most of the time no time to review old questions and failed with 3% short for pass marks.😔
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Have just faced the same issue as explained here. Have raised a ticket with PSI and have raised a ticket with Linux foundation quoting the ticket number from PSI. My credits expire some time in February and I was planning to do CKA first and then CKS. I hope someone looks at this soon otherwise it will expire. If Linux foundation support team could help it will be great.
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Dear Linux Foundation Support,
I encountered a critical issue during my CKA exam on February 4, 2025. The exam terminal was unable to connect to the Kubernetes API server, preventing me from executing any kubectl commands. I immediately reported this to the proctor, who escalated it to technical support. However, they were unable to resolve the issue and advised me to close the PSI browser and submit a support ticket.
I have raised a ticket (#TCCS-130171), and PSI provided a reference number (#4701907). Unfortunately, my ticket remains unassigned, and I am deeply concerned about the delay. The CKA exam syllabus is set to change on February 10, 2025, and if I am unable to attempt the exam before then, I will have to prepare for additional topics—despite having already invested significant effort into the current curriculum.
This situation is extremely disappointing, as we dedicate months of preparation for this certification, only to face technical issues beyond our control. I kindly request urgent assistance in rescheduling my exam before the syllabus update. Please let me know the next steps as soon as possible.
Looking forward to your prompt resolution.
Best regards,
Manikanta0 -
We apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. Please note that response time may take up to several business days; once your ticket is assigned, the Linux Foundation Support Team will work with you to reschedule the exam.
Linux Foundation Education Team0 -
Dear Team,
Today attempted CKA exam, PSI browser disconnected frequently and not loading for more than 30 mins. Overall lost 1 hour exam time by the time back online and remaining time was showing as 25 mins. Please update about reschedule my exam because exam content going to change post Feb 18.
Invested lot of time for preparing for the exam.
Ticket: TCCS-131372 and 4726028
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