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Unable to start CKA Exam due to PSI Secure Browser issue

Hi everyone,
I scheduled the exam in question for yesterday at 06:00PM but I couldn't start the browser due to an application error.

I spent the next two hours trying to make it work but there was no way despite the item "Check System Requirements" was OK, it was not even possible to contact the proctor to explain the situation and possibly reschedule the test.

I immediately opened two tickets out of desperation but they weren't even taken care of and I'm starting to fear I've lost the first attempt (due to a PSI SB bug).

The thing that seems strange to me is that it was not possible to download the browser until 30 minutes before the exam and that there was no way to contact the proctor to warn him of the situation.

Furthermore, the status is "Grading in progress" when, as explained, I was not even able to access the exam.

Any advice on how I can proceed to request that I be given the opportunity not to miss the first attempt and to reschedule it?

Thank you.



  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,223

    Hi @mfadda

    We're your tickets opened with PSI or LF? If they were not with LF, please open a ticket with the Linux Foundation Customer Support team at trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org and they will assist you in rescheduling at a later date (PSI cannot assist with that). Please note response will likely take several business days.



  • mfadda
    mfadda Posts: 10

    Hi @fcioanca, thanks for your reply.
    Being able to log in 30 minutes before the exam, as soon as I realized I couldn't proceed, I saw your reply to many threads and immediately opened 2 tickets via https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/plugins/servlet/desk/portal/15 (TCCS-56079 and TCCS-56087).

    Since I would like to be able to reschedule the next attempt by the end of this week and that is a recurring problem for many as far as I could see on the forum, what are the chances of getting the first attempt back?

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,223


    Rescheduling by the end of the week may not be possible. Tickets are handled one by one in the order received. Once they respond, the Support team will work with you.



  • mfadda
    mfadda Posts: 10

    @fcioanca Yes, my question was aimed at understanding whether, considering that the first attempt will probably fail and having the right to the second one, while waiting for the response from customer service, I could schedule the second try.

    Or do you still advise me to wait to resolve the situation?

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,223

    @mfadda you have to wait and work with the Support team to reschedule. We cannot further assist via the forum, as it is only meant for course-related inquiries.

  • mfadda
    mfadda Posts: 10

    hi @fcioanca , i know you told me that you cannot give me support through the forum but a week is passed and nobody taken cares of my tickets.

    The exam page display the same message from a week: "Grading in progress.
    Exam results will be released 24 hours after exam is completed."

    onestly it's becoming frustrating.


  • Has LF support started working on your issue?

  • mfadda
    mfadda Posts: 10

    No, nobody, this is what i think because is in "Waiting for support" status ad unassigned

  • ho my god.. 3 working days still not assigned... :-(

  • mfadda
    mfadda Posts: 10

    I hope your tone was not ironic.
    I don't pretend to have a quick solution, but at least not to be completely ignored.
    I've paid like everybody and as I could see in this forum there are been many problems with the PSI Browser

  • definitely not ironic.. i couldnt take my exam on 6th due to webcam issue detecting my id .. so i want to reschedule my exam sooner.. else i will end up paying more rental for my desktop ... since i rented one to use with my external monitor... as u raised the tickets two days before me and not even assigned yet.. i assume mine will take even more time then...

  • mfadda
    mfadda Posts: 10

    ah ok excuse me, I tend to become nervous lastly :)

    I hope you'll have the chance to reschedule your exam as soon as possible, but take patience, as I could see it's a very very slow iter.

    Good luck and have a nice day!

  • mfadda
    mfadda Posts: 10

    Another day is passed and no replay from help center.

  • mfadda
    mfadda Posts: 10

    @gowridevan my exam has been reset (and I'll eligible to 2 tries again) i hope that the support help you too as soon as possible!

  • Thank you so much for posting this.. my ticket number is TCCS-56410 .. almost 300 after you.. atleast i am hopeful that it will be resolved this week.. thanks again..

  • @mfadda , My issue also got resolved today.. Booked the exam for Monday.. Thank you and all the best !!

  • Hi Team,

    @mfadda Facing issue while installingPSI secure browser issue in CKAD exam, Trying last 30 min

    Error: PSI brower.exe entry point not found

    Exam schedule at 7.30 PM IST

  • mstepien
    mstepien Posts: 482

    Hi @mayurtavlare,

    Please open a ticket with our Customer Support Team at trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org, and they will be able to assist you.

    The Linux Foundation Training Team

  • Unable to install browser - Entry point not found
    so can't appear for test, please help

  • Unable to install browser - Entry point not found
    so can't appear for test, please help

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,223

    Hi @rudrawar3 ,

    Please open a ticket with our Customer Support Team at [trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org](trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org), and they will assist you. Please note that response time can take several business days (no weekends or holidays).



    The Linux Foundation Training Team

  • HI @fcioanca ,
    Thanks for your response. I have open a ticket with Customer Support Team at trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org, but no response so far and the "take exam" button is no longer available.
    Just wondering if someone will be able to assist and i can continue with exam today only ? or it will take time and it will be reschedule later? Looking for some kind of acknowledgement to decide me to stay back for more time or wrap-up for today, appreciate your help.

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,223

    The exam will have to be rescheduled at a later time (different day).

  • Thanks for confirmation @fcioanca.

    Hope reschedule option will be available soon.

  • Hi Team, and Support,

    i'm have same issue , i'm check-in before take exam 30 mins
    and try to verify ID Card ,and Proctor say ID Card is blurry and end my session
    I'm fail to take exam for first time ( November 29, 2023)

    It over 72 hrs, status still show-> Status: Grading in progress.

    I'm already open Tiket TCCS-88176 , but not have someone responding.

    Songyot Mali-ngam

  • mstepien
    mstepien Posts: 482

    Hi @songyot1986,

    We are sorry to hear about your experience. Please note that it can take several business days (no holidays or weekends) for the Support team to respond, depending on the volume.

    Best regards,

  • I have raised multiple tickets, none of them are even assigned to the tech, I was scheduled for CKA exam on 4th December 2023 at 6:30AM IST and PSI application has ended my session stating video streaming is poor at identity verification stage several times. I immediately raised support ticket with LF for same, but no response yet, not sure when it will be rescheduled. Please help in the same.

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,223

    Hi @surajsinghbundela

    We are sorry to hear about your experience. It can take several business days (no holidays or weekends) for the Support team to respond, especially due to the high volume of inquiries this time of the year. Rest assured they will assist you as soon as they get to your ticket.

    Thank you for your patience while they work to assist all students.

    Best regards,


  • The same thing just happened to me,
    1. I ran through the "Exam Preparation Checklist" days in advance
    2. Logged on 30 minutes early and downloaded PSI bridge
    3. ... and nothing

    My exam was scheduled to start 70 minutes ago. I logged a support ticket through https://jira.linuxfoundation.org and now I'm seeing that I may not be able to even attempt to take the test until the customer support team gets around to it?

    Let's be clear, multiple other in this thread have run into the same issue in spite of proactively preparing their workspace according to all of the instructions given:
    It's not PSI's problem, the problem is that my LF portal says "System Requirements Checked" yet I still cannot launch the proctoring software.

  • mstepien
    mstepien Posts: 482

    Hi @mgodf89,

    We apologize that you encountered issues during your exam. The Linux Foundation Customer Support team will be assisting you in rescheduling your exam at a later time.

    Please note that this forum should be used only for course content-related discussions.



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