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LFS261 changes

Hi there,

The LFS 261 seems to have changed as it now displays slides instead of videos, and has also deleted my evolution. I don't mind it if it will get me to the finish faster, but still would like to know what's up. Anyone know?


  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,222

    Hi @Sudoaptgetgood

    The course content has been completely updated/changed on November 28, and we announced this is the course forum. As a result, progress was lost, and we advise that you start the course from the start.


  • You might find that acceptable, but announcing it on the forum doesn't make it right. I have put a lot of hours in that already broken course (already at chapter 12)

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,222

    Hi @Sudoaptgetgood

    We understand that such a major update may have caused inconveniences for some learners, and we apologize for that. The course content needed a major update, including replacing Spinnaker content with Argo. The forum is used both by learners to ask questions, as well as by LF staff to announce updates.


  • I think you should stop responding if all you have is the typical corporate "we understand" or "we are sorry for the inconvenience". Only makes it worse

  • Heya @Sudoaptgetgood - With due respect, don’t you find it interesting that TLF Team is actually making efforts to keep this course up-to-date? Why would you still want to keep learning an older piece of software (Spinnaker, in this case) and not the latest one (Argo) ?

    I have been working as a DevOps Engineer for more than a year now, and what I understood is that these softwares keep coming and going. Change should not make you mad. I would go further and please forgive me when say that if you resist change, then, in the long run, this course/tech is probably not for you.

    I am a learner just like you and believe me when I say that learning Spinnaker isn’t the best use of your time now. I am personally happy that it was switched to Argo instead. And cheer up! You will thank them later on. Cheers!

  • With due respect, you are missing the point a bit. I am not sure how you got access to this content, but I paid a decent coin for mine. So no, I don't find it interesting that they update their products, but expected.

    There are those of us who have lost their entire progress due to this change, and I maintain the fact that they could have handled it differently had they had more respect for their customer base. Based on your logic, it would be ok for them to do the same for any of the other 5 courses within the same 1 year time frame, as long as they apologize.

    That being said, it's not at all about me resisting change. In fact, the new iteration of the course is way easier to follow and more carefully curated.

    Last but not least, one word of advice. Refrain from commenting on what is/isn't for people you know nothing about, it makes you look shallow and arrogant. Cheers, mate!


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