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LAB 5.1 Using Projects with Jenkins X Github Error


I've managed to deploy Jenkins X on Google cloud by following the lab 4 instructions, modified as suggested by @HimanshuGautam in this link

However, I'm having difficulties doing the first part of the lab 5. After typing the commands and selecting options, the process starts but the Pull Request times out every time.

Does anyone have an idea about what am I doing wrong? Maybe I miss-configured some Github permissions for the bot?

Here's the end of the output with timeout error:

we now need to wait for the Pull Request to merge so that CI/CD can be setup via GitOps

Waiting up to 20m0s for the pull request https://github.com/k0dard-LFS268/jx-cluster/pull/2 to merge with poll period 20s....
error: failed to create Pull Request on the cluster git repository: failed to wait for the Pull Request https://github.com/k0dard-LFS268/jx-cluster/pull/2 to merge: timed out waiting for pull request https://github.com/k0dard-LFS268/jx-cluster/pull/2 to merge. Waited 20m0s

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best Answer

  • k0dard
    k0dard Posts: 115
    Answer ✓

    In the end, it was a permission error on the GitHub.
    I've made a mistake of creating an organization on my personal GitHub account and then adding a bot to it, while obviously not giving enough permissions to the bot account.
    I've recreated a new organization from the bot account and everything worked like a charm.


  • k0dard
    k0dard Posts: 115

    After some further examination, I think the problem is related to Jenkins X deployment.
    Here's an error from jx admin log output:

    WARNING: failed to update webhooks for Owner: k0dard-LFS268 and Repository: jx-cluster in git server: https://github.com: failed to create webhook http://hook-jx. on repository 'k0dard-LFS268/jx-cluster': Not Found

    Output of jx health status -A

    NAME                          NAMESPACE                     STATUS                        ERROR MESSAGE
    daemonset                     kuberhealthy                  OK                            
    deployment                    kuberhealthy                  OK                            
    dns-status-internal           kuberhealthy                  OK                            
    jx-bot-token                  jx                            ERROR                         Check execution error: pod deleted unexpectedly
    jx-install                    jx-git-operator               ERROR                         Check execution error: jx-git-operator/jx-install: error when waiting for pod to start: the khcheck check pod is deleted, waiting for start failed
    jx-pod-status                 kuberhealthy                  OK                            
    jx-secrets                    kuberhealthy                  OK                            
    jx-webhook                    jx                            ERROR                         Check execution error: pod deleted unexpectedly
    jx-webhook-events             jx                            ERROR                         Check execution error: jx/jx-webhook-events: error when waiting for pod to start: the khcheck check pod is deleted, waiting for start failed
    network-connection-check      kuberhealthy                  OK                            
    pod-restarts                  kuberhealthy                  OK                  

    And a screen capture from jx ui dashboard

    jx verify install output is normal
    the repo k0dard-LFS268/jx-cluster does exist under that name...


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