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Exercise 2.2 - Worker Node is Not Showing Up When I Run The Command: kubectl get node

parkershamblin Posts: 7
edited March 2022 in LFD259 Class Forum

Hi, I'm working on "Exercise 2.2: Deploy a New Cluster" and on step #11, I'm not getting the expected output for step 11. My output doesn't include the worker node and I haven't been able to figure out why.

So when I run the following command I get the following output:

kubectl get node

NAME   STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
cp     Ready    control-plane,master   28m   v1.23.1

I think I might of messed up step #8. After I completed step #7 my worker node output

You will need to type sudo then copy the entire *kubeadm join*
command from the cp to this worker.
If not on the screen you may need to grep -A1 join cp.out on
the cp node.

But I have no idea where this command they're talking about is in the cp node. In my cp node terminal, nothing pops up at all.

I'm unsure of what I skipped/messed up but this is my first time working with bash files/linux so if you could help me walk through exercise 2.2 until I've finished, I would greatly appreciate it.


  • UPDATE: I recreated all my Google Cloud VM instances and redid all the steps but I'm still stuck at step #8. When I run the command
    sudo kubeadm join --token 118c3e.83b49999dc5dc034 \ --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash \ sha256:40aa946e3f53e38271bae24723866f56c86d77efb49aedeb8a70cc189bfe2e1d

    My terminal just remains stuck on [preflight] Running pre-flight checks indefinitely.

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,415

    Hi @parkershamblin,

    The command presented in the lab guide is the example command that the author has used. You should pay close attention to step 8, where it reads:

    Your nodes will use a different IP address and hashes than the example below.

    Meaning that the join command you are expected to use for your cluster will use an IP address that is extracted from your control-plane node, token and hash generated by your control-plane node.

    Familiarity with basic Linux commands and tools is required for this course, such as: sudo, cd, ls, grep, echo, vim, cat, more, less, tee, curl, ip. They may not be explicitly presented in the lab guide, but knowing how to use them will help you to easily navigate the exercises.


  • parkershamblin
    parkershamblin Posts: 7
    edited March 2022

    Hi @chrispokornip

    Your nodes will use a different IP address and hashes than the example below.

    Meaning that the join command you are expected to use for your cluster will use an IP address that is extracted from your control-plane node, token and hash generated by your control-plane node.

    I understand my join command will have it's own ip address, however, I'm not able to find it in my control-panel node after running the steps provided.

  • Hi @chrispokornip I found the join command. It was a little difficult in the output but I eventually saw it.

  • serewicz
    serewicz Posts: 1,000

    The join command is also in the cp.out file. A command like grep join -A3 cp.out would show the full join command.

  • Hi all, this was super helpful, BUT -
    My pre-flight check returns

    The cluster-info ConfigMap does not yet contain a JWS signature for token ID "the-first-few-characters-of-the-token".

    Any thoughts here?!

    The end of the more verbose logged version of the "kubeadm join" command output is

    running all checks
    checking whether the given node name is valid and reachable using net.LookupHost
    validating kubelet version  
    validating if the "kubelet" service is enabled and active  
    validating availability of port 10250  
    validating the existence of file /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt  
    validating if the connectivity type is via proxy or direct  
    Discovering cluster-info  
    Created cluster-info discovery client, requesting info from "the.ip.addr:6443"  
    The cluster-info ConfigMap does not yet contain a JWS signature for token ID "token-characters", will try again  
    The cluster-info ConfigMap does not yet contain a JWS signature for token ID "token-characters", will try again  
    The cluster-info ConfigMap does not yet contain a JWS signature for token ID "token-characters", will try again


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