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Note on lab 7.4: "trivy image" instead of "trivy -i"


just to share the knowledge that trivy image scan instructions in a lab need an update,
suggested command fails with trivy v0.22.0:

$ sudo trivy --debug -i nginx
2022-01-30T20:06:17.948+0200 WARN The root command will be removed. Please migrate to 'trivy image' command. See https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy/discussions/1515
2022-01-30T20:06:17.948+0200 DEBUG Severities: UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL
2022-01-30T20:06:17.972+0200 DEBUG cache dir: /root/.cache/trivy
2022-01-30T20:06:17.972+0200 DEBUG DB update was skipped because DB is the latest
2022-01-30T20:06:17.972+0200 DEBUG DB Schema: 1, Type: 1, UpdatedAt: 2022-01-30 12:43:56.950700956 +0000 UTC, NextUpdate: 2022-01-30 18:43:56.950700556 +0000 UTC, DownloadedAt: 2022-01-30 17:46:26.104052182 +0000 UTC
2022-01-30T20:06:17.972+0200 DEBUG Vulnerability type: [os library]
2022-01-30T20:06:17.973+0200 FATAL scan error:
- unable to initialize a scanner:
- unable to initialize the archive scanner:
- 2 errors occurred:
* unable to open nginx as a Docker image: unable to open the file: open nginx: no such file or directory
* unable to open nginx as an OCI Image: stat nginx/index.json: no such file or directory

As pointed out https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy/discussions/1515 this works:

$ sudo trivy image nginx


  • ...copy/pasted a wrong failed command, here it is:

    $ ls -lha nginx.tar
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 yurick yurick 264M Jan 30 19:51 nginx.tar

    $ sudo trivy -i nginx.tar
    2022-01-30T20:15:23.160+0200 WARN The root command will be removed. Please migrate to 'trivy image' command. See https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy/discussions/1515
    2022-01-30T20:15:23.246+0200 FATAL scan error: unable to initialize a scanner: unable to initialize the archive scanner: 2 errors occurred:
    * unable to open nginx.tar as a Docker image: tarball must contain only a single image to be used with tarball.Image
    * unable to open nginx.tar as an OCI Image: stat nginx.tar/index.json: not a directory

    Please let me know if I understood it wrong and local images can be still scanned somehow even with the latest trivy.


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