Lab 11.2 Ingress Controller - connection refused on public ip address

I have installed Kubernetes on two Google cloud VM instances. Each node has a public IP address.
I have been through all the lessons and labs step by step and everything has worked correctly and matched the lab output until I got to lab 11.2 Ingress Controller. Everything is working except that the curl command to the public IP address from outside of the cluster is refused.
curl -H "Host:" []
curl: (7) Failed to connect to [] port 80: Connection refused
Linkerd is running and accessible at that same IP address (on port 31500). I can ping the public IP address. I followed the early instructions for adding a firewall rule to allow traffic on all ports.
The NGINX ingress controller is installed, but shows a EXTERNAL-IP. I don't know if that's normal because the lab PDF never shows anything different. It doesn't seem correct, though.
default service/myingress-ingress-nginx-controller LoadBalancer 80:30499/TCP,443:32138/TCP 93m
default service/myingress-ingress-nginx-controller-admission ClusterIP 443/TCP 93m
Can anyone help me figure out what I've missed?
Hi @spongocoel,
Do you have the output where the nginx ingress controller service shows the external IP assigned to it?
When validating that the nginx ingress pods are running, do you see them distributed as node agents, where each node is running exactly one
pod?Is this behavior observed only when testing ingress to the
service? What about theexternal
service?Are you curling straight to the IP address, or do you have
prefixing it?When curling to a node IP address (private or public), keep in mind you are exposing the service as a NodePort, so the node IP alone will not work, you'd need to provide the high NodePort value with
-Chris0 -
The ingress controller service does not show an external IP address. I just realized that earlier I wrote "shows a EXTERNAL-IP" when I meant to say "shows no EXTERNAL-IP":
$ kubectl get service -A | grep myingress
default myingress-ingress-nginx-controller LoadBalancer 80:30499/TCP,443:32138/TCP 24h
default myingress-ingress-nginx-controller-admission ClusterIP 443/TCP 24hThere is an nginx ingress pod running on both nodes:
$ kubectl get pod -A -o=wide | grep myingress
default myingress-ingress-nginx-controller-gz8cb 2/2 Running 2 24h worker
default myingress-ingress-nginx-controller-tpx4x 2/2 Running 2 24h masterBoth of these calls from the master or worker node return the correct html response from the web server:
curl -H "Host:"
curl -H "" to the public ip address of either node, with or without "http://" prefixed results in a "connection refused". I've tried it from the master node of the cluster as well as from my laptop.
My understanding is that I am curling to the public ip address of the nodes in the cluster, and that the ingress service is exposed as a LoadBalancer type. I think the point is to allow access to the cluster on port 80 and via the ingress rules, route to the appropriate pod to respond to the request. The goal, as I understand it, is to not have to use a "weird" high numbered port to serve http requests from the cluster.
I don't see, however, how the node's port 80 is routed to the cluster. I assumed that was part of the ingress controller install, or was part of the Linkerd install (I still don't understand exactly what that install was for).
Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.
- Scott
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I just realized the forum software is eating text within angle brackets. The service external ip address was being removed from the output. I'll try again, replacing angle brackets with square brackets:
$ kubectl get service -A | grep myingress
default myingress-ingress-nginx-controller LoadBalancer [pending] 80:30499/TCP,443:32138/TCP 25h
default myingress-ingress-nginx-controller-admission ClusterIP [none] 443/TCP 25h0 -
Hi @spongocoel,
Thanks for clarifying.
A LoadBalancer type service, without an actual external load balancer (which is expected in our scenario), will behave as a typical NodePort type service. When attempting to access such a service on public or private node IP addresses, the NodePort needs to be specified as well
curl IPaddress:nodeport
-Chris0 -
When you say that an external load balancer is expected, is that something I missed in the coursework? Do I need to install something separately for that? Is it covered in the course?
I'm using Google Cloud Platform VMs since that was suggested in the early course materials.
The lab exercises were written and tested using Ubuntu instances running on Google Cloud Platform.
Is that learning I need to do independently, outside of the course?
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Hi @spongocoel,
There is no load balancer included in the lab work, which is the reason why the External-IP field of the service remains in a pending state.
-Chris0 -
I got a similar problem starting from today on lab 11.2
curl -H "Host:" x.x.x.x always return 404 Not Found error.
curl -H "Host:" x.x.x.x also return the same error.For the past 2 weeks I didn't encounter this problem...
The one I pulled this morning, by default, is ingress-nginx-4.0.1.tgz
The problem is solved after pulling an older version: helm fetch --version 3.36.0 ingress/ingress-nginxFYI:
4.0.1 24 Aug, 2021
3.36.0 22 Aug, 2021My lab is a KVM with 3 Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS running on a LM 20.1 wtih 32GB RAM computer...
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Hi @proliant,
Thank you for your feedback. I have seen similar issues reported on and off with various versions of the ingress-nginx helm chart, that seem to be related to the configuration of the chart.
-Chris0 -
I ran into the same issue
curl -H "Host:" x.x.x.x always return 404 Not Found error.
I found out that the newest version of the ingress-nginx controller (4.0.x) requires some additional infos in the yaml file of the Ingress resource!
According to the lab documenation the yaml should look like this:
apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: ingress-test namespace: default spec: rules: - host: (...)
That it is not enough anymore!
With 4.0.x you need to declare the "ingress.class" !!
So you need to add the following annotation ;-)apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: annotations: nginx name: ingress-test namespace: default spec: rules: (...)
annotations: nginxdoes the trick even with 4.0.x
Hope this helps others and the author of the lab documentation incoperates this update.
Cheers, Michael
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Appreciate the feedback. Indeed there was a breaking change recently. We will update the material and get a new version out soon.
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The material doesn't seem to be updated. I followed the labs closely and was stuck for two hours until I realized the ingestStorageClass annotation/field was missing.Just a kind reminder to put a note about IngestClass in the material.
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Please update the material.. I don't understand why I had to get stuck here for an hour when this is known since last year September...
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Putting it here as well, update this! Run some CI on your documentation. The material costs a comfy penny, surely you can put some CI in place? Devops mentality for your documentation as well please.
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