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Quiz- Question 10.1

I believe that there's a error on Knowledge Check - Question 10.1

The results display that "B. Two" is the correct answer. Is this really true?



  • serewicz
    serewicz Posts: 1,000

    Indeed. The key word being "supported". The kubernetes.io documentation declares that TWO are supported, even thought many , many work. Of course where you get your support could support other controllers.

  • ampc
    ampc Posts: 2

    "Kubernetes as a project supports and maintains AWS, GCE, and nginx ingress controllers."

  • serewicz
    serewicz Posts: 1,000


    Could you include the link to where you saw this. Seems AWS was recently added to the list.


  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,224

    @ampc The question has been updated to reflect the latest documentation changes. Thank you!

  • serewicz
    serewicz Posts: 1,000


    Thank you for letting me know about the update to the docs page. I have updated the knowledge check.

    I appreciate the feedback!



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