Lab 3.2: pods evicted, and pending after deploying try1
After I create a new deployment:
the pods never come online, instead, all the pods get evicted, and even the other pods get evicted.
how do I fix this?
this comment was commented in error and should be deleted (dont delete the post, just this comment of the post)
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Hi @nbon,
The described behavior indicates that the second command, the
docker push
, in Step 28 may have been missed or it did not get executed when issued the first time (which also happens occasionally).Regards,
-Chris0 -
@chrispokorni I edited the original post sorry, does your comment still apply?
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can you run 'kubernetes get events' ?
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If you don't have enough resources it may evict pods.
Are you running 2CPU/8G nodes?
What does kubectl get node show?Regards,
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@serewicz said:
Hello,If you don't have enough resources it may evict pods.
Are you running 2CPU/8G nodes?
What does kubectl get node show?Regards,
I'm running two VMs on Windows 10 with HyperV (I couldn't use GCP), they both have 4GB of RAM
I'm not sure how much CPU they have, but my physical laptop has Intel CPU i7-8665U on it.It looks like they're definitely out of "ephemeral-storage"
Here's the Events for the try1 pod:Here's the amount of RAM and Disk available on nickkube2 (the second node):
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Undersized VMs will cause brown-out type issues which will lead to evictions and odd behavior. I would say you do not have enough resources and these issues will persist until you add CPU and probably more memory. From the error you may not have enough disk resources for the containers as well.
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Hi @nbon,
As you may have realized already, my earlier comment was related to the original content of this Discussion thread, and not the current modified issue.
I would recommend keeping Discussions with their original titles and content, in order to keep all helpful solutions and feedback from the Linux Foundation staff relevant to the posted issue. Keeping the Discussion and all comments within the same context not only helps you, but also helps learners who may encounter similar issues in the future and search through the forum for possible solutions. With that in mind, when a new issue is encountered, please open a new Discussion thread, unless it has already been addressed in an earlier Discussion.
-Chris0 -
I increased the size of the VMs, but am still seeing pods being evicted when creating the try1 deployment. I changed Assigned RAM to be dynamic.
@chrispokorni , I will do that going forward.
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what is "ephemeral storage" and why was simpleapp using 44ki "which exceeds its request of 0"? How do I request more than 0 ephemeral storage?
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Hi @nbon,
Kubernetes does not seem to like dynamic virtual resource allocation, so I would recommend all resources of your nodes to be assigned, instead of dynamic.
-Chris0 -
@chrispokorni I changed to fixed 8GB memory for each node, same issue.
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Ephemeral storage refers to disk space. Is that also dynamic?
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It's fixed now!
I learned that HyperV limits disk to 12GB by default, so I increased it to 64 GB, after increasing it on the master node, it started working.
I also used gparted on the linux VM itself to expand the partition to fill the rest of the disk.
Deployment try1 works now.0
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