Videos won't load

Hello there.
Sorry to bother you but ... I purchased course LFS216 last week end, started it minutes ago and, to my dismay, I found that videos won't load, as happened for my last course LSD201 ... I've tried with 2 different laptops and 1 desktop PC, 2 different Wi-Fi networks and one cable, the one at the University where I work but the problem remains ...
What shall I/we do?
Thank you for your support.
Sincerely yours
Paolo Giannini
Hi Paolo,
I am sorry to hear you are still experiencing these problems. Can you please advise what OS and browser you used? Are there any firewalls that may prevent you from accessing the videos? Have you cleared your cache?
Thank you,
Flavia0 -
Videos affected are those in Lesson 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 15
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Can you please advise what OS and browser you used? Are there any firewalls that may prevent you from accessing the videos? Have you cleared your cache? Also, have you checked the console log output - can you provide a screenshot?
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SO Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 20H2 (this one is Version 10.0.19042 build 19042.685 with Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0)
Browser(s) Mozilla Firefox 83.0 (64bit)
No firewalls in use, at least that I'm aware of ...
Windows is running its native App Windows Security (with Microsoft Defender). Apart from that no antivirus software nor firewall software are even installed ...
All the caches and temporary files have been cleared ...0 -
Please try to use a different browser, such as Google Chrome.
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Before you click on the 'Play' button they appear as in the pictures herewith attached:
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Everytime the video shows with the black background won't load ...
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Hello Flavia,
tried with Google Chrome but got exactly the same result, see picture attched ...
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Hello Flavia, good morning and Happy New Year!
I beg your pardon, sorry for my ignorance but how can I get "a console log output screenshot" to send you?
As I said I've tried with two different ISP over Wi-Fi and was unsuccesful on both of them ...
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Hello Flavia, good morning.
You're right, I tought the same. It's just a bit annoying. Anyway ...
I'm sorry for those videsos of some other courses (LFS 201, LFS 211, LFD201) where there were demos as well as introductions.
I'd really like to be able to produce the information you asked me previously, I'll try to look on google.
Have you seen my other issue? I can't acces the VMs with the credential provided in the 'Exercise 2.1: Installing and Running Virtual Machines'.pdf
Could you help?
Thank you!
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If you go to download the VMS, read the README file which gives the user and (if there is one) root paswords for the VM's which are not the same as the ones downloading the VMS, which are given in the material.
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