CKA exam not loading.. Delivery partner doesn't have the exam ready.
My CKA exam was scheduled on 10/03/2020@11:00AM PST but the launch exam button was not working and kept on showing below msg.
I have emailed PSI as well as LinuxFoundation about the same but there is no response.
Please help.
We apologize for the inconvenience. There was an issue over the weekend that caused this problem. The LF Certification team will respond to your ticket and assist with rescheduling.
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@TejalShah Please open a ticket with our Customer Support Team at, and they will assist you. This forum is solely to provide course-related support, and we cannot help with exam-related issues.
Thank you,
The Linux Foundation Training Team0 -
i have same issue too at 22/8/2021@7:00AM, what should i do now ? have u solve this problem ?
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The exam management platform is currently down and our IT team is working to fix it, but we don't have an ETA. Once fixes are in place and the platform is back up, you will be able to reschedule/take exam. We apologize for the inconvenience.
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I am having the same issue for the CKA exam scheduled at 5.30PM IST 22/8/2021.
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exam scheduled at 22/8/2021 for cka at 17:30 IST ,says :-delivery partner is not ready and exam status is please wait we are loading ,please help
email-anki7876@gmail.com1 -
Just checked my mail and I have this from -
You are receiving this email because you are scheduled to take a Linux Foundation Certification Exam on 2021-08-22 12:00:00 UTC.
We regret to advise that due to an internal system problem, your Exam will not provision correctly and therefore will NOT be available to launch.
Received 13 hours ago but for some reason it went into my spam folder.
Hopefully there won't be any future problems with re-scheduling.
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Hello everyone. Problem is still actual, and I have a question, do i need to create a separate ticket to not to lose my first try?
Candidate Id 33951563100 -
@glansible You can open a ticket. The support team will then reset your eligibility.
You do not lose the first attempt.0 -
The exam management platform is currently down and our IT team is working to fix it, but we don't have an ETA. Once fixes are in place and the platform is back up, you will be able to reschedule/take exam. We apologize for the inconvenience.
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I have the save question,> @fcioanca said:
The exam management platform is currently down and our IT team is working to fix it, but we don't have an ETA. Once fixes are in place and the platform is back up, you will be able to reschedule/take exam. We apologize for the inconvenience.
I have the save problem ,my Candidate Id 5681891002
now is 08/23/2021 1:01 UTC/GMT +8.00
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@yostlfog If you have any exam-related questions, please open a ticket and the Support Team will help you: We apologize for the inconvenience. Also, please check your email as you may have received one from our support team regarding this issue.
The forum is only for course content related questions and we cannot assist with exam related issues.
The Linux Foundation Training Team
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I'm facing the same issue right now. It's one hour past the exam time.
Launch Status on Examlocal: Delivery partner doesn't have the exam ready.
Take exam button is still not active on Linux Foundation > My portal.If candidate is a no show or late by 15 minutes, the exam fees is not refunded. If the exam is not loaded ON TIME, there is no accountability. We are unable to even reach someone over the phone or chat.
A reasonable expectation would be to at least get notified on email if our exam will not be available at the scheduled time and also waiving the exam fees to compensate for the time lost by the candidate. The candidate's time is equally important as the examiner's time.
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I am having the same issue and cannot contact any support during exam time. Please help.
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Hi @raghav11 and @kwokth2015 ,
Our engineers are working to restore all LF Certification systems after the recent outage at one of our providers.
While access is now available to some components of the training portal, all system activities are not yet fully restored. Our system status page ( currently showing partial outage, will be updated when all systems are fully operational. Please open a ticket with the LF Customer Support Team at, and they will assist you with rescheduling the exam once all systems are fully operational. Due to the high volume of support tickets, response may take up to 2 business days.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and continued delay.
Thank you,
The Linux Foundation Training Team0 -
So i cannot take exam today? It passed an hour from my scheduled exam time
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No, you cannot take the exam today due to the above mentioned operational difficulties.
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By the way, the platform has been down for 3 days now. What on earth is going on there?
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Please inform the candidate actively when the system has been down for a long time.
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I'm having the same problem.
Please also update the support people.
They asked me to install "any-desk" screen sharing to see the problem.Please Notify Candidates, I lost 2 hours where I could have done something else.
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I experienced the same issue yesterday at 10:28 AM IST , I was unable to take up my 10.30 AM IST to 12.30 PM IST exam and I am not sure when to take up the exam next , last date of CKA exam expiration is 24h August 2021, exams cannot be scheduled today too , please let me know if my second attempt to write the CKA exam would be provided or not ?
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Our engineers are working to restore all LF Certification systems after the recent outage at one of our providers.
While access is now available to some components of the training portal, all system activities are not yet fully restored. Our system status page ( currently showing partial outage, will be updated when all systems are fully operational.
Please open a ticket with the LF Customer Support Team at, and they will assist you with rescheduling the exam once all systems are fully operational. Due to the high volume of support tickets, response may take up to 2 business days.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and continued delay.
Thank you,
The Linux Foundation Training Team1 -
Please kindly help to follow my ticket issue since I didn't receive any reply and email on the service outage. My ticket number is TCCS-16492. Last, I want to reschedule my exam before this weekend. Thanks.0 -
Hi, I am also facing a similar issue, My exam was scheduled for 22nd Aug 2021 at 9:30 PM IST, but at that time there was an outage due to which I didn't get a chance to take the exam and that was my 2nd attempt, now dashboard is showing that my attempt expired. Also, it is showing my exam expiration date is 24th Aug, I have opened a ticket but didn't get any response. Will I get an extension for days? Thanks
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Our team has resolved the issue and is continuing testing before reopening exam scheduling, to avoid a repeat of what happened over the weekend.
If you have not done so, please open a ticket with the LF Customer Support Team at, and they will assist you with rescheduling the exam once all systems are fully operational. Due to the high volume of support tickets, response may take longer.
The forums are used only for content-related questions. Any question or problem related to exams must be addressed to the Customer Support Team.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and continued delay.
Thank you,
The Linux Foundation Training Team1 -
I'm facing same issue with my Exam today: 6-Oct-2021
It look like Exam will Loading forever, and live chat support of PSI look like we taking with my self. Very disappointed.0 -
Hi @vietdv277
We are sorry to hear you experienced problems during the exam, and apologize for the inconvenience. If you have not done so yet, please open a ticket with the Linux Foundation Customer Support Team at, and they will assist you in rescheduling the exam.
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