LFS258 - New course version now live (9.01.2020)
A new course version of LFS258 went live today. In this version, the content and labs were updated to Kubernetes v1.19.0. This update aligns the course to the new exam domains, as well as to the latest Kubernetes version.
To ensure you have access to the latest updates, please clear your cache before accessing the course.
The Linux Foundation Training Team
According to the official 1.19 docs, running an ephemeral container is still an alpha feature. The syntax shown in ch12 on this topic seems to be invalid.
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Indeed alpha products change. A lot.
My copy of the page shows this:
You may be able to use the kubectl attach command to join an existing process within the container.
This remains a valid statement. You may be able to. Better to have an inkling about what may work soon and encourage people to explore the topic. The entire page talks about what is indicated at the moment.
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Suggest to slightly change the mentioned command line to:
kubectl alpha debug buggypod --image debian --attach
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Is the new version applied to all LFS258 course or only to new sign ups? I looked at lab 3.1in my course and I see the instructions still says to install 1.18:
Install the software. There are regular releases, the newest of which can be used by omitting the equal sign and version information on the command line. Historically new versions have lots of changes and a good chance of a bug or five. As a result we will hold the software at the recent but stable version we install. In a later lab we will update the cluster to a newer version. root@master: ̃# apt-get install -y \ kubeadm=1.18.1-00 kubelet=1.18.1-00 kubectl=1.18.1-00
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The updates rolled out to all learners. One big change is that now you start by installing v1.18.1, but then, in one of the next labs you learn how to upgrade to a new version (v1.19.0 in this case). The labs were adjusted to teach skills you will also need for the new CKA. I hope this helps. If you check the footnote of the lab pdfs, they are dated 9.01.2020 - this tells you it is the latest version.
The Linux Foundation Training Team
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Just as Flavia wrote, if you look at the last sentence of the step:
Install the software. There are regular releases, the newest of which can be used by omitting the equal sign and version
information on the command line. Historically new versions have lots of changes and a good chance of a bug or five. As
a result we will hold the software at the recent but stable version we install. In a later lab we will update the cluster to a
newer version.Regards,
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I see and confirmed that, Flavia and Serewicz. Thanks!
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May I ask https://lms.quickstart.com/custom/x/LFS258-labs_V2020-09-01.pdf This link cannot be downloaded
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I am not sure how you are trying to open/download the document, because when we tested it, it works fine. The issue may be the URL you are using, which is not the URL we have for this document. And you should actually be able to open the pdf in a separate tab, and then download it with no issues.
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@fcioanca said:
I am not sure how you are trying to open/download the document, because when we tested it, it works fine. The issue may be the URL you are using, which is not the URL we have for this document. And you should actually be able to open the pdf in a separate tab, and then download it with no issues.Hello,Thanks Reply。But I Can open this link xxxxxLFS258-labs_V2020-04-20.pdf and download it。But new course version https://lms.quickstart.com/custom/x/LFS258-labs_V2020-09-01.pdf can not open and download.
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@ohdsfndskhuijdk If there were changes made on the backend since April 20, they may have caused any newer links to break. As mentioned before, the original URLs (which LF uses for these downloadable pdfs) do not have a quickstart.com domain. If they made any changes, we are not responsible and we do not have control over them. However, you should be able to access individual labs within the course itself.
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