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CEBC Office Hours - updated days/courses

serewicz Posts: 1,000


Please note these will be the course schedule for office hours moving forward:

Monday LFS201 https://zoom.us/j/92615267990?pwd=UEpIc21BWU1QZEh0aVFEKzBuSThJdz09

Tuesday LFS211 https://zoom.us/j/92615267990?pwd=UEpIc21BWU1QZEh0aVFEKzBuSThJdz09
also running will be LFS258 here: https://zoom.us/j/99847301024?pwd=b0tPc1BmdGFqRGwvQjJyaEJmWTBiQT09

Wednesday LFS261 https://zoom.us/j/92615267990?pwd=UEpIc21BWU1QZEh0aVFEKzBuSThJdz09

Thursday LFS253 https://zoom.us/j/92615267990?pwd=UEpIc21BWU1QZEh0aVFEKzBuSThJdz09

You should be seeing this information via email as well. Please reference that for zoom password and other information.



  • heiko_s
    heiko_s Posts: 99

    Sorry but I didn't get any email about this. Hope to be able to join using the links above.

  • serewicz
    serewicz Posts: 1,000

    Hello Heiko,

    Thanks for the heads up. I will inquire. As for the links, if you ever got links we are using the same ones, meetings 92615267990 and 99847301024. If you search for those in your email you should have all the info required to join.



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