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Version of Ubuntu to install

Hi all,

I would like to do the Ubuntu exam and just wondering what version I should install 18 or 20?

I am currently running Linux mint but feel I should have more experience with Ubuntu to prepare for the exam.


  • DRpandaMD
    DRpandaMD Posts: 17

    I believe its Ubuntu 18 LTS.

    So far the GCP Ubuntu Images have been working fine for me.

    I have made a terraform repo with Ubuntu and RHEL boxes thus far. Let me know if you are interested.

    I personally like using Terraform managing my cloud infra as it's up and down all the time. PLUS it's pretty common tool nowadays for Cloud Provisioning

  • linuxskiba
    linuxskiba Posts: 22

    @DRpandaMD - Thank you for your response.

    Great idea to use Terraform, I haven't used it before but thats like almost everything in this course so lots to learn in the next few months!

  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,253

    Hi @linuxskiba , it's Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.


  • heiko_s
    heiko_s Posts: 99

    If you run Linux Mint 19.x it's based on Ubuntu 18.04. On the command line level there should be no difference. I've installed a few Linux distros (Linux Mint 20, Centos8, Opensuse 15 Leap) as VMs to do the exercises.

    I'll probably also fire up a Ubuntu 18.04 VM (though I hate the default "tablet" Gnome desktop of Ubuntu). I think it's quite irrelevant if we use Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Lubuntu/Kubuntu, as long as it's 18.04.

  • coop
    coop Posts: 916

    If it helps, everything in LFS201 has been tested thoroughly on RHEL/CentOS 7,8, OpenSuse-Leap-15.1 and Ubuntu{18.04, 20.04). AFAIK all seems to work on Debian-9+ and Fedora 30+. We no longer pay attention to Mint as we don't get enough users using it and it is a Debian->Ubuntu derivative. Now that almost everyone uses systemd, distribution differences at the command line seem pretty minimal (GUI utilities are more divergent). We also concentrate on GNOME due to market share.

    We don't endorse any particular distribution, desktop choice and God forbid editor (vi vs emacs) etc as we stay out of holy wars. Of course we have attitudes and preferences, but we attempt not to expose them much (unless it is something we know to be absolutely true! )

  • vi vs emacs

    nano :neutral:

  • GSQS
    GSQS Posts: 11

    @zsoltsandor said:

    vi vs emacs

    nano :neutral:

    vi gives me a headache. :D

  • serewicz
    serewicz Posts: 1,000
    edited June 2020

    The Kubernetes courses are tested using Ubuntu 18.04, but should work on other Ubuntu and Debian versions, with the understanding some binaries may be in different locations, or have different parameters.

  • linuxskiba
    linuxskiba Posts: 22

    Thank you everyone for the detailed replies.
    I guess to have more exposure to what I might see in the exam I will stick with Ubuntu 18.04 but also run VMs for the labs.

  • owenpkent
    owenpkent Posts: 6

    should we be using the server or desktop version?

  • serewicz
    serewicz Posts: 1,000

    @owenpkent said:
    should we be using the server or desktop version?

    TL;DR - If you are just getting started install the desktop so you have a GUI to use.

    It depends on if you would like to use a graphical interface. With sudo privileged you can install software you require after you install the operating system. In production many follow the "least install" concept, meaning try to install the least amount of software possible, and still do the job. Every package installed needs to be kept track of updated, and could be an attack surface.

    If I know will only be SSH or other network access I would install as a server. If I will be attaching a keyboard, video, and mouse I would chose the desktop.



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