Lab3: Error: Failed sending proposal, got rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing

When doing Lab3's last part: "confirm your peers are still a part of the channel." and after i ran the command below in peer0peer channel join -b allarewelcome.block
i got this problem:
Error: Failed sending proposal, got rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing
I'v already set the identification path of peer0 to the admin of Org1 and pull the genesis block. akaexport CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/users/Admin@
peer channel fetch oldest allarewelcome . block - c allarewelcome -- orderer
can someone help me out
@eecszc said:
When doing Lab3's last part: "confirm your peers are still a part of the channel." and after i ran the command below in peer0peer channel join -b allarewelcome.block
i got this problem:
Error: Failed sending proposal, got rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closingI'v already set the identification path of peer0 to the admin of Org1 and pull the genesis block. aka
export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/users/Admin@
peer channel fetch oldest allarewelcome . block - c allarewelcome -- orderer
can someone help me out
thanksSeems like your fabric images are too old, version 4.0. They need to be the newest version to be compatible with the newest couchdb configuration. Please check your images version by docker images -a
If the peer image is not 4.4, please remove and install the newest version.
The course material need to be updated by Linux to be compatible with couchdb upgrades.
Hope this solves your issue.0 -
@Niklaskkkk said:
Seems like your fabric images are too old, version 4.0. They need to be the newest version to be compatible with the newest couchdb configuration. Please check your images version by docker images -a
If the peer image is not 4.4, please remove and install the newest version.
The course material need to be updated by Linux to be compatible with couchdb upgrades.
Hope this solves your issue.I use just one peer (peer0) to test couchdb, and tracks the error with command
docker logs -f --details
when trying to join peer0 to the channel, i got this error:
Error calling CouchDB CreateDatabaseIfNotExist() for dbName: allarewelcome_, error: error decoding response body: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field DBInfo.purge_seq of type int.I searched and find the link below may be the reason: haven't try the version4.4. hope it will work
thanks0 -
@eecszc said:
I use just one peer (peer0) to test couchdb, and tracks the error with command
docker logs -f --details
when trying to join peer0 to the channel, i got this error:
Error calling CouchDB CreateDatabaseIfNotExist() for dbName: allarewelcome_, error: error decoding response body: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field DBInfo.purge_seq of type int.I searched and find the link below may be the reason: haven't try the version4.4. hope it will work
thanksYes - then it is because you have the 1.4.0 version of hyperledger/fabric images. Upgrade to version 1.4.4 and the issue will go away.
0 -
@eecszc Were you able to resolve the issue by upgrading the peer fabric image to 1.4.4. I am getting the same issue, i tried upgrading my peer image to 1.4.4, but now when i try pulling the genesis block using peer channel fetch oldest allarewelcome.block -c allarewelcome --orderer, i get this error: Got status: &{NOT_FOUND} Error: can't read the block: &{NOT_FOUND}
0 -
Managed to resolve the issue. For anyone else facing it, this is how i solved it.
1. Ran, so that recreated the channel allarewelcome (and deleted all the existing peer containers)
2. For both the peer definitions in docker-compose.yml file, i changed image: hyperledger/fabric-peer to image: hyperledger/fabric-peer:1.4.4
After starting the peer containers, i was able to fetch the genesis block for allarewelcome channel, as also able to join it.
Hope that helps!0 -
@manjushaawasthi said:
@eecszc Were you able to resolve the issue by upgrading the peer fabric image to 1.4.4. I am getting the same issue, i tried upgrading my peer image to 1.4.4, but now when i try pulling the genesis block using peer channel fetch oldest allarewelcome.block -c allarewelcome --orderer, i get this error: Got status: &{NOT_FOUND} Error: can't read the block: &{NOT_FOUND}yeah, it works, i forgot to post the result. sry
it seems you have already solve your problem. congratulations0 -
Sorry for this very basic question but I stuck with the same problem and I am not sure about:
how to download the latest peer images?
I used this command from Lab1 "curl -sSL | bash -s 1.4.0" with modifying it to 1.4.4:
curl -sSL | bash -s 1.4.4It downloaded a bunch of stuff but the following remained on 1.4.0, as printout shows:
hyperledger/fabric-javaenv 1.4.0 3d91b3bf7118 12 months ago 1.75GB
hyperledger/fabric-tools 1.4.0 0a44f4261a55 12 months ago 1.56GB
hyperledger/fabric-ccenv 1.4.0 5b31d55f5f3a 12 months ago 1.43GB
hyperledger/fabric-orderer 1.4.0 54f372205580 12 months ago 150MB
hyperledger/fabric-peer 1.4.0 304fac59b501 12 months ago 157MB
hyperledger/fabric-ca 1.4.0 1a804ab74f58 12 months ago 244MBShould I have removed it before? Can you please help with the command how to remove it?
L.0 -
@LasToronto said:
Sorry for this very basic question but I stuck with the same problem and I am not sure about:how to download the latest peer images?
I used this command from Lab1 "curl -sSL | bash -s 1.4.0" with modifying it to 1.4.4:
curl -sSL | bash -s 1.4.4It downloaded a bunch of stuff but the following remained on 1.4.0, as printout shows:
hyperledger/fabric-javaenv 1.4.0 3d91b3bf7118 12 months ago 1.75GB
hyperledger/fabric-tools 1.4.0 0a44f4261a55 12 months ago 1.56GB
hyperledger/fabric-ccenv 1.4.0 5b31d55f5f3a 12 months ago 1.43GB
hyperledger/fabric-orderer 1.4.0 54f372205580 12 months ago 150MB
hyperledger/fabric-peer 1.4.0 304fac59b501 12 months ago 157MB
hyperledger/fabric-ca 1.4.0 1a804ab74f58 12 months ago 244MBShould I have removed it before? Can you please help with the command how to remove it?
L.Hi @LasToronto ,
Yes, the script for downloading the course materiale needs to be updated by the Linux-team. I will notify them.
In the meantime, so you can progress: remove each old image & replace it with the newest version. It is a bit time consuming, migth take you 10-15 minutes.
Here are the commands:
First type: docker images ps -a
Remove: docker image rm --f hyperledger/fabric-ca
Download new version: docker pull hyperledger/fabric-ca:latest
You have to do this with all hyperledger images.
Afterwards, run a new "docker images ps -a" to verify that you got version 1.4.4, or above
You find all images here on this page:
0 -
Hi @Niklaskkkk ,
Thank you for the instruction. I believe I removed them and re-installed them but the result was the same.
Just to make sure I did it right, can you tell me how to locate the fabric images?
when issued docker images ps -a, I saw it was empty.
Then downloaded them again but the version stayed the same 1.4.0I might have done something wrong (not sure). What would you suggest to validate it?
Thank you a lot.0 -
@LasToronto said:
Hi @Niklaskkkk ,
Thank you for the instruction. I believe I removed them and re-installed them but the result was the same.
Just to make sure I did it right, can you tell me how to locate the fabric images?
when issued docker images ps -a, I saw it was empty.
Then downloaded them again but the version stayed the same 1.4.0I might have done something wrong (not sure). What would you suggest to validate it?
Thank you a lot.You can see your images by typing:
"docker images" in your terminal. There you also see the image version.
I just tested running the network on version 1.4.4, so it all works with 1.4.4 images.
To download specific image version, here is an example: "docker pull hyperledger/fabric-ca:1.4.4"
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I was stuck on the mismated version of couchDB and peer, which 1.4.4 should be applied. This thread is very important and should be pinned !!!
1 -
I have upgraded my peers to 1.4.4 and couchDB to latest version, but still I am facing this error - Error: error endorsing chaincode: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing
Can someone please help0 -
@kalyani.guddanti said:
I have upgraded my peers to 1.4.4 and couchDB to latest version, but still I am facing this error - Error: error endorsing chaincode: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing
Can someone please helpFYI, here are the image signatures which are working,
hyperledger/fabric-couchdb latest b967e8b98b6b 6 weeks ago 261MB
hyperledger/fabric-tools 1.4.4 7552e1968c0b 9 months ago 1.49GB
hyperledger/fabric-ccenv 1.4.4 ca4780293e4c 9 months ago 1.37GB
hyperledger/fabric-orderer 1.4.4 dbc9f65443aa 9 months ago 120MB
hyperledger/fabric-peer 1.4.4 9756aed98c6b 9 months ago 128MB0 -
@kalyani.guddanti said:
I have upgraded my peers to 1.4.4 and couchDB to latest version, but still I am facing this error - Error: error endorsing chaincode: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing
Can someone please helpHi @kalyani.guddanti ,
Have you tried the signatures terany recommended above? If that also does not work, it might be something else. For instance check your orderer log and let me know what it says.
Also, what Ubuntu version are you on?
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