old LAB material and concerns

Recently I have got the Linux Foundation access for few training's through corporate account.
I have started with LFS252 but i have got few doubts.
in LAB 3.1, devOS1, router and network was already created. I deleted the existing instance and created the devOS1 again but it is not getting created.
Is training material updated? Where to get latest training material? Or else please advise so that we can save the time.
You have the latest copy -- if you look at the labs they should be V2018-09-11 . There is no older version you could have.
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Please try to access the lab again. Perhaps it was a transient issue?
I just spun up a new lab and it was as the book suggested, no devOS1 or other resources were created. If it happens again, please include the full URL you used to first access the lab, as well as the full URL once the lab begins. I can reach out to the lab ops person and inquire about the session and any logs to investigate what happened.
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I have tried again just now. Same issue persists.
This time I see 2 instances i.e. devOS1 and devOS3 although I have not created any of these instances.
I am launching the openstack GUI from below link:
http://2886795274-80-frugo03.openstack-environments.katacoda.com/dashboard/project/instances/0 -
Today I am able to work without any pre-existing instances.
may be it is a random issue.
Sometimes open-stack is already installed and few instances are visible, sometimes not.0 -
Thank you for letting us know. I will send a message to see if there is an unknown issue where old sessions are being used. Are you shutting down the cluster when you finish? Could it be a cached resource from a previous attempt? The sessions should be fresh every time, but I don't have access to the back-end so I can only make a request. Clearing cache seems to help ensure a fresh setup each time, as does following the formal cluster show-down process.
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do we have to shutdown cluster every day after our lab practices?
Will try cleaning cache as well.0 -
One more thing @serewicz: We, couple of colleagues from my company has started doing few courses. We have realized that course speed is too slow. When we click on next button, it takes too much time to go to next page and this way, it is wasting lot of our time. Could you please help us on this matter so that we can spend quality time with training?
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I can't speak authoritatively in this case, but whenever I hear such reports it has come down to a poor Internet connection as the vast majority of enrollees have no such experience. Of course the poor bandwidth need not be in the last mile, or pipe to your location but can be further upstream. I would recommend you contact the training staff directly about this as burying such comments in an issue-based thread will not call it to their attention.
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Typically each lab is done one at a time, which a selection of the new link when you start a lab and shutting down when done with a lab. While you may be able to continue the steps this was the process used to test and works well.
Could you have multiple people using the same account, which would cause some people to see steps already completed?
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