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Ingress Controller L3 Configuration Support?

Knowledge Check 10.3 question is:

Both L3 and L7 can be configured. True or False

My answer was False for the following reasons:
L3 is the network layer.
As far as I know the Nginx controller is only handling HTTP (L7)
From what I read GCE also support HTTP only.

There is the 'Nginx Plus Ingress Controller' which is a paid supported product that supports also L4 (Transport Layer UDP or TCP).

The above Knowledge Check form prompts to 'False' answer as Incorrect.

It will be good to clarify the above.




  • serewicz
    serewicz Posts: 1,000

    Thank you for the update, I think this is a typo and should have asked about Layer 4 - which is possible with the Plus product. I will update the source.


  • serewicz
    serewicz Posts: 1,000

    The update will show up in the next update, which could be as soon as mid-next week. Thank you again for the note.



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