lab2.1 kubectl untainted not working
can anyone explain the mistake here ?. I searched in for some hint on this "untainted"
but no informaiton found.
admin1@k8master:~$ kubectl taint nodes --all “k8master” untainted
error: at least one taint update is required
however, I went to next command deploying the firstpod, and it got deployed on my k8sseond node.
can someone explain howto make this untained work?
When you use kubeadm to build a cluster with master and minion nodes, the master is tainted in order to prevent the cluster from scheduling pods on the master. Since we are only using a few nodes for these labs, in Lab 2 we remove that taint from the master, allowing the cluster to schedule pods on the master as well.
The lab manual (and I hope we are both looking at the same version/content) suggests using the following command in order to remove the taint (to untaint the master):
kubectl taint nodes --all
(note the "-" at the end of the command, it instructs kubectl to "remove" the taint)
and then the output is the following:
node “ckad-1” untainted taint "" not found
where the first line of the output is a confirmation of the node "ckad-1" (master) being successfully untainted, and the second line is the attempt to untaint the second node, but no taint is being found (note the "--all" option used above, which instructs kubectl to remove the taint from "all" nodes, both master and minions).
From the official documentation I found this page:
and there are quite a few hits if you search for "taint". Searching for "untaint" will not return many results.
Good luck!
0 -
I know why you made the mistake. The lab script is really confusing - I made the same mistake...
The steps make you think you have to type this command:
kubectl taint nodes --all “ckad-1” untainted
But the last part is actually the output. You only type this:
kubectl taint nodes --all
And the output is:
node/master untainted
error: taint "" not foundAll in all the lab doco is pretty bad I think.
0 -
Hi i was unable to remove the taint on my minion node.
kubectl taint nodes --all
result:node/pc1-node2 untainted
error: taint "" not foundI have ran this for thousands of times, but every time it prints me the same output. Then i ran
kubectl describe nodes | grep -i taint
Taints: taint is so stubborn that it does not go away. Could someone tell me how can i debug this issue?
Bin0 -
Hi Bin,
"NoSchedule" is the effect of the taint and it should not be a part of the taint removal command.
Look closely at the lab exercise, and compare with your command provided above.-Chris
0 -
I think if you read the paragraph of the step, you should find a sentence "Note the minus sign (-) at the end, which is the syntax to remove a taint". As well there is an extra space to indicate the end of the command and the output.
Regards,0 -
Hi Chris,
Apologies, i tried both
commandkubectl taint nodes --all
kubectl taint nodes --all
neither worked
Both of them returned
node/pc1-node2 untainted
error: taint "" not foundIt's strange that the command returned success but the taint is actually not removed.
Bin0 -
Hi serewicz,
I had the minus sign(-) at the end, what do you mean by the extra space? I tried
kubectl taint nodes --all
with an extra space at the end of the command, but the result is
node/pc1-node2 untainted
error: taint "" not foundRegards,
Bin0 -
Hi Bin,
From both responses above the very first command seems to be correct.
The lab instructions mention that it takes a while and a few attempts for the taint removal to be successful.
What is worth noting that once the command is successful and the taint is removed, any subsequent attempt would produce that same output - the error that the taint is not found.
Did you verify that the taints are still there or have been removed?
Run the first command in step 12. Can you provide that output?Thanks,
-Chris0 -
Hello Bin,
The extra space is seen between the command and the output in the book. Typically command output is on the very next line, but the book shows an extra space to help illustrate the the last character to be typed would be the minus sign (-), and what follows in the book is output.
From the output you posted, showing
node/pc1-node2 untainted
error: taint "" not foundIndicates the taint was removed from the first node, but was not on the second node. If you had three nodes in your cluster you would three lines of output. If the taint has not been set on a node you would get a "not found" output. If it is set on the node you would see the "untainted" output.
0 -
Hi Chris,
The output is
Taints: have been running
kubectl taint nodes --all
since yesterday and the output is always like aboveRegards,
Bin0 -
Hi Serewicz,
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. I totally understand what the book is trying to say. It's just that my setup seems not producing the expected result. Btw, I'm using virtualbox on mac with 2 nodes of ubuntu 16.04
Bin0 -
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the help. I reset the cluster and set it up again and everything starts working. Appreciate your time:)
Bin0 -
I have the same problem here not being able to untaint my nodes during lab 2.2. I use qemu VM on proxmox. The only solution for this problem is realy to reset the whole cluster?
I tried many times wating long minutes, I typed it with no extra spaces.kubectl get node
kmaster NotReady master 25h v1.17.1
kw1 NotReady 23h v1.17.1kubectl taint nodes --all
node/kmaster untainted
node/kw1 untaintedkubectl get node
kmaster NotReady master 25h v1.17.1
kw1 NotReady 23h v1.17.1kubectl describe nodes | grep -i taints
Stefan0 -
Hello Stefan,
The taints found on your nodes are generated by the cluster to indicate that the nodes are not ready, and they will automatically be removed once your nodes become ready. Issuing
kubectl describe node <node-name>
command may indicate why your nodes are not ready. Please provide the output of that command and the output ofkubectl get pods --all-namespaces
.Those outputs may help us troubleshoot your cluster.
-Chris0 -
Thanks Chris,
Meanwhile I ran kubeadm reset and I re-created the master node only so far, and I am still unable to untaint my kmaster node.
The output of kubectl get pods --all-namespacesvio@kmaster:~$ kubectl describe nodes | grep -i taints
vio@kmaster:~$ kubectl describe nodes | grep -i taints
vio@kmaster:~$ kubectl get nodes
kmaster NotReady master 8m25s v1.17.1
vio@kmaster:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
kube-system coredns-6955765f44-rvdv7 0/1 Pending 0 8m13s
kube-system coredns-6955765f44-sszvz 0/1 Pending 0 8m13s
kube-system etcd-kmaster 1/1 Running 0 8m8s
kube-system kube-apiserver-kmaster 1/1 Running 0 8m8s
kube-system kube-controller-manager-kmaster 1/1 Running 0 8m8s
kube-system kube-proxy-z24hm 1/1 Running 0 8m13s
kube-system kube-scheduler-kmaster 1/1 Running 0 8m8s
vio@kmaster:~$My attempts to untaint keep reading:
vio@kmaster:~$ kubectl taint nodes --all
node/kmaster untainted
vio@kmaster:~$ kubectl describe nodes | grep -i taints
Taints: also attached the output of kubectl describe node kmaster command
Thanks in advance!
0 -
Hi Stefan,
It seems your coredns pods are not running. That is the reason why your node never reaches ready state. Delete both coredns pods and allow the cluster to re-create them for you, while keeping an eye on their state. Once they show a running state, check your master node again. It should now show ready.
-Chris0 -
If you notice your coredns pods are both showing as pending. This would cause the node to be listed as NoSchedule.
What environment are you using to run the labs? GCE, AWS, DigitalOcean?
When you run kubectl describe for one of the coredns pods, what are the messages in the output at the end?
The issue is these pods, not the taint.
0 -
Hi Chris,
I use Qemu VM on local proxmox type 1 hypervisor with plenty of resources, latency shouldn't be an issue.
vio@kmaster:~$ sudo kubectl describe coredns-6955765f44-rvdv7
error: the server doesn't have a resource type "coredns-6955765f44-rvdv7"Now the pods show a different status:
vio@kmaster:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
kube-system coredns-6955765f44-rvdv7 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 89m
kube-system coredns-6955765f44-sszvz 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 89m
kube-system etcd-kmaster 1/1 Running 0 89m
kube-system kube-apiserver-kmaster 1/1 Running 0 89m
kube-system kube-controller-manager-kmaster 1/1 Running 0 89m
kube-system kube-proxy-dqb6x 1/1 Running 0 38m
kube-system kube-proxy-z24hm 1/1 Running 0 89m
kube-system kube-scheduler-kmaster 1/1 Running 0 89mStefan
0 -
Coredns pods not running has nothing to do with latency issues. They cannot run because they never receive IP addresses, which should be provided by calico. You have no calico pods running. Did calico get downloaded together with the required rbac file? Have the calico pods been started and the rbac permissions created?
-Chris0 -
I ran the init command as set on lab 2.2 file "sudo kubeadm init --kubernetes-version 1.17.1 --pod-network-cidr", but VM IP is, could this be the issue?
0 -
I ran again all the Lab2.2 script step by step and I discovered that the lines
wget --no-check-certificate -O rbac-kdd.yaml
wget --no-check-certificate -O calico.yaml
they do not download any yaml file, but some GIF files instead
therefore the lines
kubectl apply -f rbac-kdd.yaml
kubectl apply -f calico.yam
generates wrong format related errors and I am not able to correctly setup the environment using given materials.
Can you help with the correct files rbac-kdd.yaml and calico.yaml?Thank you!
0 -
It seems to be a strange behavior, which I was not able to reproduce. However, the script in the Solutions tarball does not use the
option.It could be that your instances do not correctly resolve the URLs. Did you check the
files of your instances?If all else fails, just download the correct files by clicking on the two working links above and then create the yaml files manually.
-Chris0 -
Hello Stefan,
Please share, what operating system are you using?
Where are you running the labs? GCE, AWS, Digital Ocean?
0 -
Hi Chris,
I run the labs on VM which run on local hypervisor (proxmox as I mentioned), I do not use any vendor you mentioned.
I use ubuntu 18 LTS OS on VM.Stefan
0 -
@chrispokorni Hello, I have to add the flag --no-check-certificate because the site uses a self signed certificate, and I cannot connect without this flag from my end and I guess this is the normal default behavior. Maybe the class materials are not good.
0 -
Thank you for letting us know what service and OS are using for the labs, i must have missed that before. I'm not familiar with proxmox. But I'll take a look. In my experience when these sorts of issue happen it ends up being some feature or security which blocks the appropriate messages from being sent.
When the lab is run using GCE, AWS, Digital Ocecan, VirtualBox, QEMU/KVM, and bare metal it works as written. This would lead me to believe there is something unknown inside of promox which is causing the issues. With the assumption you are using copy and paste, and not typing URLs by hand, my first guess is something network related. That there is something blocked between nodes, or VMs. My second guess is the hyper-visor is not translating the commands as expected through LXC, or not presenting the network interfaces in an expected manner.
Are you in a secure and locked-down environment such that you cannot use self-signed certificates?
0 -
Yes, behind my firewall I cannot accept self signed certificate, but I am fine with adding the flag manually. But yet I am not getting the yaml files this way. Can you supply them here for me?
@Chris What DNS setting should I use? I can change that. (Currently my VM uses the host dns and through the router).Stefan
0 -
Hi Stefan,
Since you have the links, just open them in a browser, copy the files over and you should be able to produce the yaml manifests in your environment. It seems to be a simple workaround since your environment does not permit the download of such files. Providing them "here" would change the yaml formatting which would not help you in any way.
So far I have not seen such behavior on GCE, AWS EC2, DigitalOcean, Virtualbox, or even on Minikube. Using different environment variations may imply slightly different configuration and installation options. That is to be expected since each environment treats features differently: networking, firewall rules, provisioning and some of the installation options. Once the cluster is up and running, then all else would work as presented.
-Chris0 -
Thank you very much. Got the files using VPN, unable to allow tinyurl redirections to long good url from my end at this point. I will let you know how it goes.
0 -
Thanks @serewicz and @chrispokorni, it just worked smoothly having the yaml files. I never used tinyurl before, please note that it is not suitable for any environment.
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