Labs 5.1 & 5.2
What are these labs supposed to be run against? Once again, the introductory module says that we're going to use minikube, but these labs seem to imply that you need to bootstrap you own cluster. Can you update the labs so they're more specific about the environment you should be using.
If you review the overview section for the Installation and Configuration chapter it should include:
The labs were written using Ubuntu instances running on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). They have been written to be vendor-agnostic so could run on AWS, local hardware, or inside of virtualization to give you the most flexibility and options. Each platform will have different access methods and considerations. If using your own equipment you should configure sudo access as shown in a previous lab. While most commands are run as a regular user, there are some which require root privilege. If you are accessing the nodes remotely, such as with GCP or AWS, you will need to use an SSH client such as a local terminal or PuTTY if not using Linux or a Mac. You can download PuTTY from You would also require a .pem or .ppk file to access the nodes. Each cloud provider will have a process to download or create this file. If attending in-person instructor led training the file will be made available during class. In the following exercise we will install Kubernetes on a single node then grow our cluster, adding more compute resources. Both nodes used are the same size, providing 2 vCPUs and 7.5G of memory. Smaller nodes could be used, but would run slower.
Does your lab reflect this? If so, the rest of the overview may be helpful as well.
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I see that, but should we assume that is carried through to the rest of the labs? Some of the instructor videos show him using minikube, others GCP. I just think the labs in each module need to be more clear about the environment.
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The labs use Kubernetes v1.9.1, which matches todays release of the updated CKA exam. The labs are written using the same setup for each lab and will often build on one another. A cluster object built in one lab may be used in a following lab. The majority of the labs use the kubectl command, which should work on clusters made with all major installation tools. The use of kubectl and kubeadm represent vendor-agnostic, production typical tools and the expected future of Kubernetes. The chapter content and videos are in the process of being updated to show these tools and match the labs.
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We are currently working on updating the entire LFS258 course.
The first part of this process was completed - the old labs were removed, and replaced with new and improved ones, using Kubernetes 1.9.1, same as the exam (the CKA exam moved to Kubernetes 1.9.1 as of this morning). All new labs use the same setup, to be more specific.
The second part of this project is to update the course content (text and videos), which will be completed in about 4-5 weeks. We decided to roll out the updated labs first as they are hands-on exercises using the same Kubernetes version as the exam.
We do apologize for the inconvenience caused by the current discrepancy between the course content and the lab exercises, but we are working on completing the updates as soon as possible, and making the entire course a much better training experience.
Thank you for your patience,
The Linux Foundation
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Thanks Flavia. I guess I'll wait for the course content to be updated before continuing. I see no sense on continuing when there's such a discepancy between the course content and the labs.
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