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Scanner utility in Linux to operate my scanner
john822@john822-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install mfc240c
[sudo] password for john822:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package mfc240c
john822@john822-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get cache
E: Invalid operation cache
john822@john822-desktop:~$ /etc/apt/sources.list
bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied
john822@john822-desktop:~$ sudo /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo: /etc/apt/sources.list: command not found
john822@john822-desktop:~$ echo /etc/apt/sources.list
john822@john822-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install brother
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package brother
john822@john822-desktop:~$ apt-get install 1.01.1-1
E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?
john822@john822-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install 1.0.1-1
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package 1.0.1-1
john822@john822-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg-i --install
sudo: dpkg-i: command not found
john822@john822-desktop:~$ dpkg - i --install
dpkg: need an action option
Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*];
Use `dselect' or `aptitude' for user-friendly package management;
Type dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values;
Type dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options;
Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;
Type dpkg --license for copyright license and lack of warranty (GNU GPL) [*].
Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through `less' or `more' !
john822@john822-desktop:~$ dpkg - i --install all
dpkg: need an action option
Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*];
Use `dselect' or `aptitude' for user-friendly package management;
Type dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values;
Type dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options;
Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;
Type dpkg --license for copyright license and lack of warranty (GNU GPL) [*].
Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through `less' or `more' !
john822@john822-desktop:~$0 -
you see both files listed. What command would you use exactly to extract them so I can use my printer. I will copy / paste them exactly as you write them.0 -
if those files are being displayed in the package manager then you only need to type "sudo apt-get " then the full package name. If they are on an extenal site then they will have to be downloaded prior to installing them with the dpkg command.0
there is were the problem comes to me. puting the full package name correctly. I am doing what I see
example sudo apt-get mfc240clpr-1.0.1-1.i386.deb Now! is that the full package name or what. This is what was given to me, or should I leave the [ i386.deb ] off of the name
I have to go to work, but I will be back....Please do not give up on me...Thank you, John0 -
If those need to be installed from downloaded deb files, if you are trying to install it in command line then navigate to the folder they are in then type "sudo dpkg -i mfc240clpr-1.0.1-1.i386.deb for the mfc package. apt-get is used to install from a remote repo, dpkg is used to install from a local deb file.0
these are my download applications and the files are in my download folder.
Look! I have given it my all and all. when I was given the first commands early on from a past problem. they were simple teo liners and wham, the printer worked. The local host in step 5a only does the same thing as the printer configuration program does. I still get this pop up stating when I turn on the printer and plug in the USB cable, ' cannot detect printer drivers ' but the system recognizes the printer and classifies it as the default printer.
I tell you what, seriously! why don't you go to team viewer [ www.teamviewer.com ] and click open session and add the id# 663611305 and password 9371 hilite ' remote support ' then click connect to partner. That way you will be able to navigate my setup / file access, which I have nothing secure to display, and see what I am talking about..Here is my phone number for you to call me when you are ready. 202.486.5376. I have already open my teamviwer program, and it is active for you when ever you are ready...John0 -
The gdebi programs listed can be used to install the packages so you are getting. If the system still fails to read the correct drivers after the printer is setup then that could jsut mean that the drivers listed on the Brother website do not work with your printer.
I did go to the link you specific, but I don't use windows on my personal systems, so I cannot install the program to attempt to assist remotely.0 -
I also have desktop sharing which is a linux program application you can use. The password is [ small case ] bluecars0
I tried the teamviewer, unfortunately the join now link downloads a program to windows that opens a session to the user's computer, it does not allow me to connect to you session, so that software is worthless.
As for the remote desktop in ubuntu, you will need to open the necessary ports on your router and give us your external IP address for us to connect you your computer. Read the guide at http://www.howtoforge.com/configure-remote-access-to-your-ubuntu-desktop to find out what port(s) to open and how to get your external IP address.0 - this is my external ip address and my remote desktop password is bluecars [ small case ] internal local ip is Give it a try and see if it works. my computer stays on forever. If you can access it, look at the synaptic and files, everything.......I have the remote desktop open...:)0
I am attempting to connect, but it appears that the port is closed on your router or firewall.0
I must not have said my prayers today, or something. I would have to go to my windows firewall and shut it down. it controls the entire system, or there is a firewall setting available for linux too. the cable modem is hardwired to a wireless router. Let me go to my lab, and see what I can do!!!0
Make sure to change the port settings on your wireless router to forward traffic on port 5901 to the ip address of your ubuntu system.0
will do...0
I think you will be better if you go to www.codeweavers.com there you can install crossover which will allow you to use teamviewer as a windows program. crossover is a trial software, which is ten time effective over wine. that is why my teamviewer works perfectly. I downloaded the firewall program for linux, and the interface is a real bit#^ I have to go to comcast site to get the router config. Jesus, why is this turning into a up hill battle?????0
Like I said, I tried teamviewer in windows 7 and it only set up my system to share my desktop, it would not allow me to connect to any sessions.
As for a firewall for Linux, what you downloaded is only a User Interface, there are many more available so don't get the thought that what you see is the only option. The firewall itself is built into the kernel and exists on nearly all Linux based systems.
Anyway, I am calling it a night, I will check again tomorrow morning to see if you have he port forwarded to your ubuntu installation.0 -
sweet dreams. I think I will do the same!0
I like Tiny Pic, but when you visit their web page and you are in a session on linux forum, for some dumb reason, you cannot get back to your post. Anyway, I wrote quite a bit about my experience last night, and I will only say...I got my printer to work, using a ' Pre- Installation command ' that only Brother's seem to have for their completed driver installation process and as for you having an issue with teamviewer, I also run the application in my Windows 7 as well as Linux with no problem in connecting outside of my Desktop. [ I am always helping my poor cousin with remote support ] It is very important that after you install the program, you enable the remote support feature. Of course, it is nice to send a link to your buddies to download a version on their systems. [ Wine and crossover both support the application ] and the best part. once you set your login and password and establish an account, you basically never have to open your program in the desktop, you can then use the open web application on teamviewer web site by just logging in with your user name and password. Remember always enable remote support. The VPN feature basically is when you want to use video presentation. ' Never Fail, Never Give Up '0
i wish the picture were more clear, but you see the the partner feature and the remote support button selected as a default....0
It is good to see that you have the printer working now.
My preferences are to vnc and ssh for remote assistance because I don't have to download extra programs to run them, the only catch is the supported client must forward the ports on their routers. I think the service you are using is buypassing that by opening a connections on a remote server then allowing other computers to call through that open connection.0 -
Thank you, thank you, thank you.....I see your up and cheerful.....You are totally correct, as always. Teamviewer works in that capacity as a more user friendly setup, but it does have the VPN feature. But like last night's experience trying to get the external IP and the static addresses to my router, and so on and so on. I learn to appreciate the ease of operation of the remote feature, plus it employs certain security program to assure your safety and certain file access. Do what you love the best, that's whats important... Now let me see here, What should I print out.... Oh, I got Windows Office 2007 to load via Wine from my Cd. but i need net 3.1 to make outlook run....That's my next project. If I can get most window apps to perform, I just might kiss windows goodbye...I said I might.....0
The real accomplishment is when you can eliminate you dependency on windows-only software and user vendor neutral software. My attitude is simple, if they want my business they can make their product for my preferred platform, until that is donw I will not purchase or use their software.0
Amen!!!:laugh: :woohoo:0
Well my friend, it seems like it's been a year sense we talked. I have discovered that most or all of the command I tried should have worked for all of the problems I've had. Here is a blaring example. I personally downloaded a program strictly for linux, all platforms, and it was a bin file. After typing in the required commands, I keep getting this ' do not recognize file or command '. Something seemed very strange, cause I keep getting the same reading on a lot of typed in commands I have been given, and I know damn well I can see and spell. Anyway, I went to search, and typed in install google earth in linux,,,, a article related to how to install google was straight forward and in layman terms, so I proceeded to do so. I saved it to my desktop, which actually I did not, cause the downloader would not allow me to use my home/desktop as the destination, so I copied it and pasted it there. I read further after following the instructions, and it still kept saying, do not recognize file. I scrolled down to a little hidden forum reply of a thank you to the author, and the reader said, ' I did not want to make any mistakes, so he copied the commands that were in the article to make the installation work, and it installed as instructed too. Unless I need to buy a freaking keyboard that types linux typo, I copied and pasted the individual commands, and lord behold, the application nd the pending command lines and processes went smoothly along. Just for experimental sake. I want you to physically type in what I have copied to this article first, without copying the exact commands printed, and see if you can make it work, then copy and paste from the typo with in this article, and be honest with me about the results. Google Earth is not a ' Window Base Program 'I am sure Google Earth will be among the first few things you will want to install on your Ubuntu machine. The installer which you get online is not a regular installer which Ubuntu default installation will be happy with. You can’t just double-click to install it.
That’s why I thought of providing the steps to install Google Earth on your Ubuntu or any other linux machine for that matter. Steps are as follows:
1. Download Google Earth to your desktop.
2. Go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal.
3. Type in cd ~/Desktop
4. Type in sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin
5. Follow the on screen prompts to complete the installation.
6. You will see Google Earth icon on your desktop after the installation is complete.
7. At the same time it will also give you an option to launch it for the first time after the installation is complete.
8. Google Earth should have been installed in the default location “/usr/local/Google/Google-earth“.
9. That’s it. Enjoy the cool Google Earth features.
Now you see line 3. here is my typing [ cd ~/Desktop ] [ Now unless I am blind as a bat, it looks exactly the same as the typo in the article ] sure I used sudo to start off with so it would recognize me with my password, but for some strange reason, the only time I have been successful, is when I copy and paste from an article or even from the commands you have provided me, for whatever I need for something to work......Let me know your results...John.:laugh: :silly:0 -
I see no difference in the two command and neither does my system, I pasted both and they both went to my desktop.0
john822@john822-desktop:~$ sudo cd ~/Desktop
[sudo] password for john822:
sudo: cd: command not found
Now here is a glaring example of me typing in the exact command as read from the article and the results.
I wanted you to type in what you read first, to see what would be your results. I too was successful with it going to my desktop, using the copy/paste feature.0 -
I think that has to do with you using the sudo command, there is no need to type sudo to change directories since your user being a sudoer has rights to view all directories. If you want to work in root mode in command line, so you don't have to keep typing sudo, you can enter "sudo su -", just remember to limit your time in that mode.0
You are right as usual. I started the command and it allowed me to proceed to the next command without the permmision request. Just everything I have read or studied to date, shows the password permmision command line sudo as a prerequisite. Learn a little more each day. Thank again, like always:laugh: :P :woohoo:0
the sudo command is only used to run specific programs with root privileged, you do not want to use it to run every command or you will introduce a user based security issue. The best determination for use of the sudo command would be if a standard command returned a message like "You must be root to run this".
I have disabled sudo on my systems to eliminate the risks, if I need to run something as the root user I must log in to a root session using the root password rather than the user password. unfortunately that functionality is disabled in ubuntu by default.0
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