add program i made to cmdline
Hi ( im a beginning programmer), I always found myself trying to figure out what percent a number is of another number, and rather then using a program online to always do this calculation for me i wrote a simple program in c. I want to make it so i can access this program from the command line, for example:
jacob@jacob-laptop:~$ percent 55 390
where its:
command arg1 arg2 :: where arg1 is the number to be found the percent of the number (arg2)
then I want the program to display the answer.
if this is not possible without changing a whole bunch of code then I would also be happy if i could invoke the program from the command line, for example:
jacob@jacob-laptop:~$ percent
and then the percent program will run its course then return to the command line.
any suggestions? Heres the code for my program:
main() {
float answer, FACTOR, get1, get2;
FACTOR = 100;
printf("What percent is a number of a number?\n\n");
printf("What is __ percent of?\n");
printf("Please enter number:\n");
scanf(" %f", &get1 );
printf("this number?\n");
printf("Please enter number:\n");
scanf(" %f", &get2 );
answer = (get1/get2) * FACTOR;
printf("%3.2f is %3.2f percent of %3.2f\n\n\n", get1, answer, get2);
if you need me to clarify anything just post, i will include the source in an attached file as well.
Writing an actually binary file seems excessive when trying to access common functionality. Have you considered writing a python or bash script instead or even just using the python terminal for calculations?0
Yeah, i will try python or bash script. I'm not very good at bash scripting though ( could you point me toward some good tutorials? ). I just started learning c, basically i was just wondering if its possible. The only way I found I can invoke the program is ./percent.out
The reason I chose to write the program in c is because im trying to learn c at the moment. I guess I could try it in Python and Bash scripts though but I never worked with scripts yet, and thats why if you could point me toward some reference material I would greatly appreciate it.0 -
Here's a link you might find useful: -
thanks! yeah that will work0
The quickest calculator me me in cli is just using the python shell.
It can be invoked by typing python, then you can enter your mathematical equations as you wish. To exit it you press ctrl+D.
Look below for an example.matt:~$python Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Jun 9 2009, 14:36:10) [GCC 4.3.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> 6*284.25 1705.5 >>> 92*.63 57.960000000000001 >>> (presses Ctrl+D)
And you can use the bash guides to build a more simplified calculator.0 -
I figured out how to do it in c. I had to look at chapter 5.10 to figure out how to pass arguments to the program. Heres the changed code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc != 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s NUMBER1 NUMBER2\n", argv[0]);
printf("%.2f\n", strtod(argv[1], NULL) / strtod(argv[2], NULL) * 100.0);
return 0;
}0 -
heres the code in a text file for the changed program. [file name=percent2.txt size=289][/file]0
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