Lab 4.1-Can not connect to golden instance
I have created golden instance, but can not access to that. Also, I am not sure what qrouter I should use? Can someone explain?
This is the netns list:
ubuntu@devstack-cc:~/devstack$ ip netns list
Error message when I tried to use this command:
ubuntu@devstack-cc:~/devstack$ ip netns exec qrouter-f6724b39-ad39-4352-bc22-5aae4c9
11196 ssh cirros@
seting the network namespace "qrouter-f6724b39-ad39-4352-bc22-5aae4c911196" failed:
Operation not permitted
This is from BUI:
- Name
- golden
- ID
- b759d24c-df6c-40cb-b4da-d6ca362ff502
- Status
- Active
- Availability Zone
- nova
- Created
- May 23, 2017, 2:11 p.m.
- Time Since Created
- 3 minutes
- Host
- devstack-cc
- Flavor Name
- m1.tiny
- Flavor ID
- 1
- 512MB
- 1 VCPU
- Disk
- 1GB
IP Addresses
- Private
-, fdd3:a129:b300:0:f816:3eff:fe37:f47e
Security Groups
- default
- ALLOW IPv4 to
- ALLOW IPv4 from default
- ALLOW IPv6 from default
- ALLOW IPv6 to ::/0
As step 5 mentions you will need to "use the ip netns list command and previous steps to find the correct namespace". In Lab 3.1, Task 6: Log into a new instance, these steps were used to locate the network, and the UUID of the router attached to that network. You would use the qrouter entry which has that UUID as part of its name.
Also make sure you are on the same node as the golden VM.
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My problem is that when I run the ip netns list from devstack-cc host, I don't see the UUID of the router that is attached to the golden instance. Can some one explain?
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Please note that there is a required sudo command which elevates the permissions of the following ip netns exec command. That is why the output says operation not permitted.
You may consider taking this course to become familiar with running commands from a terminal session and other Linux basis. This course is free:
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Not sure if you figured this out but maybe this helps. In the BUI go to Project > Network > Routers, and you should only see 1 listed called router1, click on it and that will bring up the overview for router1. You are looking for the ID (it's the second line) and that should correlate to one of the qrouter's you see when you run ip netns list.
Note, even when you are using the right namespace/UUID when you attempt to login to the golden instance it may still fail with a (connection timed out message). I had to add a rule to allow SSH to the default security group to be able to successfully login.
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Great points Cory! I think the biggest issue was the lack of sudo. But being able to find the correct UUID for the router, especially in a complex cloud, is essential.
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