Slide 2.11 Kubernetes Users
Kubernetes is being adopted at a very rapid page.
Should be?
Kubernetes is being adopted at a very rapid pace.
Lab Three Page 3
$ docker run exec -ti k8s etcdctl ls /registry
Should be?
$ docker exec -ti k8s etcdctl ls /registry
In slide 6.6,
kubectl get deployments, podsShould be
kubectl get deployments,podsThe extra space before pods will otherwise return an error rather than the getting the 2 resource types:
error: arguments in resource/name form must have a single resource and name0 -
Thanks for the catch, you are correct. We will update the pages as fast as possible.
0 -
Thank you for letting us know. The corrections in the course will be made available once we release an updated version of the course.
0 -
This yml file refer to a namespace 258 instead of 248 ;-)
cat redis-lfs248.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
namespace: lfs258
name: redis
- name: redis
image: redis0 -
In the last block of the slide:
should be
0 -
"docker run exec -ti k8s etcdctl ls /registry" should be "docker exec -ti k8s etcdctl ls /registry" <-- Came here to say this. I got very frustrated trying to figure out why the command wasn't working. Took a break for a few days, came back with fresh eyes, and spotted "run" as the problem.
Thanks all for updating with other command errors/typos/errata. Next time I will check here first instead of banging my head against the wall.
0 -
docker run exec -ti k8s etcdctl ls /registry
should be
docker exec -ti k8s etcdctl ls /registry
0 -
kubectl run ghost —image=ghost
should be
kubectl run ghost --image=ghost
0 -
Root cause should be when you made the pdf conversion ?
kubectl expose deployment/ghost --port=2368 —type=NodePort
instead of:
kubectl expose deployment/ghost --port=2368 --type=NodePort
0 -
For the line "(for a refresher on how to access the Course Resources, look at page 1.9)",
it should be "page 1.8" not "page 1.9"
0 -
For the line "(for a refresher on how to access the Course Resources, look at page 1.9)",
it should be "page 1.8" not "page 1.9"
0 -
$ kubectl exec -ti redis-5o0i8 bash root@redis-5o0i8:/data# redis-cli>
should be
$ kubectl exec -ti redis-5o0i8 bash root@redis-5o0i8:/data# redis-cli>
0 -
simple HHTP servers
0 -
outdated command ?
$ kubectl get rc --all-namespaces | grep dns
-no results
on kubernetes 1.5 and later I think is replica sets instead of replication controllers.
$ kubectl get rs --all-namespaces | grep dns
kube-system kube-dns-2431531914 1 1 1 1h0 -
On slide 3.6.a the word "loose" is uwsed rather the intended word "lose"
Thanks for the course!
0 -
thank you all , all typos should have been corrected in the latest version of the course.
0 -
"Loose" has not been corrected yet.
0 -
Thank you, Christy, for letting us now. We will correct it in a future course update.
0 -
The default config is in ${HOME}/.kube/config (or ~/.kube/config or something like that ...) and not in $/.kube/config.
0 -
brew install kuberbetes-helm
shoud be
brew install kubernetes-helm
I use OSX and have installed Homebrew. But when I run the command:
brew init
It shows:
Error: Unknown command: init
Maybe the command can be ignored, and just run the command:
helm init
0 -
There is an effort to use Google's protobug serialization, but this remains experimental.
Not sure if intended, but might be a typo xD
0 -
Yes, a typo. It should be protobuf - as in protocol buffer.
0 -
On the $curl line there is a missing o in authorization in header.
The endpoint doesn't seem to need the auth though as it works fine misspelled or ommited.
0 -
Thank you for pointing this out. It will be corrected in the next course update.0
Second sentance of the second paragraph"
"..., you will receive and error,"
-corrected to-
"..., you will receive an error."
0 -
Not one but at least two people went through things lookiing for typos and issues. Thank you all very much for letting us know what you have found. Early next week I will be using each of your notes to update the material.
Your efforts are very much appreciated!
Kind regards,
0 -
"Kubernetes clusters have to types of users service accounts and normal users,"
Should be
"Kubernetes clusters have 2 types of users 'service' accounts and 'normal users'."
0 -
Thank you. We will make corrections in the next course update.0
Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but the "Picking the right Solution" link on page 3.11 is dead.
0 -
Thank you for letting us know. Unfortunately, a lot of URLs change overtime, especially when dealing with dynamic projects and rapidly changing documentation, and this is something we cannot control. The article mentioned, "Picking the right solution" can now be accessed here: https://v1-12.docs.kubernetes.io/docs/setup/pick-right-solution/. We will update the course in the next planned update .
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