LAB11.1 Step 9 "ssh-copy-id ceph@storage1"
I have followed all previous steps meticulously numerous times but after run command "ssh-copy-id ceph@storage1" It prompts me for a password. Thoughts?
[ceph@rdo-cc ~]$
[ceph@rdo-cc ~]$ ssh-copy-id ceph@storage1
/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
ceph@storage1's password:
Yes, this command is to copy the ssh key to the node. You will need to pass the newly set password for the ceph user. This is why the previous step had you edit the sshd_config file on all four nodes and restart sshd. Until the public key is copied to the target nodes you won't be able to ssh, and the ceph-deploy script will fail.0
I am stuck at the same issue regarding the password credentials for the storage nodes. Does anyone know the password or a way around this issue?
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In a previous step you created a new user on each of the four nodes called ceph. Then you set a password for the ceph user on every node. In this step you are using the ssh-copy-id command to copy the public key to the same four nodes as the ceph user (ceph@....). Use the password you set for the ceph user. If you followed the lab it would be ceph.
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When starting the Lab at 11.1 all configurations that is needed for this particular lab should be preconfigured correct? Or do I have to start at a previous lab and work my way back up to this lab to authenticate to the ceph storage nodes?
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Thanks for your assistance. nothing that I have tried has worked. here is a step by step of the process. please tell me what I am not doing correct. I have did each step as the manual suggests.please see below
<output omitted>
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Please see below print screens. I have followed each step as the manual suggests.
<output omitted>
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The labs are complete up to this point. You need not do the previous steps. You should be able to begin the lab without prior configuration.
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The print screens are not necessary in this case. You'll note that the terminal output is asking you for the password. As you are trying to copy the public key as the ceph user you should pass the password you set for the ceph user. Please reference the previous postings on the forum and the online errata file, You will find you should be typing in the password of the ceph user, you set in a previous command, in order to cause the public key to be copied to the target machine.
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The password that was used is ceph as listed in the instructions
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The password is what you set in the previous step. Indeed. That is what you will need to type in when prompted for the password. If you type the password you set for the user, on ALL FOUR NODES, you will be able to copy the public key over.
If you have not configured the ceph user and configured sshd to allow remote access you won't be able to copy the keys. Please ensure all four systems have the ceph user and are configured to allow password ssh access, as per the previous lab instructions.
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Hi everyone.
I have been trying to run the the commande to cpy the public key to the storage nodes as per the instruction. And followed the instruction to the letter up to this point of the instruction in Lab 11.1. Which means that i have not set any password for the ceph user on the nodes, i left it empty and pressed "ENTER".
I have tried to use the same password when i reached the step "ssh-copy-id ceph@storage1" BUT it did not work, i have used "ceph" as the password and also did not work, so i am stuck at this step as all steps in the labs build on each other.
It has been a challenge to understand the labs. the luck of explanation of the command we are supposed to execute, is a major setback in this course, i think each step should be explained and put into context, ie why the steps is necessary, which services are affected and why, is there any other way to complete the tasks etc..
I am saying this because i have already completed course 152 on edx and i know how complex openstack ecosystem is, and reducing this complexity into very basic steps without elaboration and puting every steps into its proper context is in my opinion a setback for this course.
The other setback is the instability of the lms in generate and the lab environment in particulare. I have taken a number of course on edx.or and i think runing the course on that plateform will emprove the stability of the course enormously. The lab environment can easely be integrated into the course on edx by usin LTI. and the forums can be created as part of the sections of the course itself.
I am not sure why this course is not on BUT i am certain it can be ported easely, as LFS152 is runing on edx.
I do hope that this feedback can be of some use to the designers of the course.
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Mr. Serewicz,
Can you provide the root password to the storage nodes? these nodes were not configured by me prior to this lab. They are already provided. If I cannot authenticate via the steps provided it would be great to be able to access the ceph nodes so that I can finish my lab. This is a very important lab for me, especially after recieving a better understanding via your webcast today.
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Mr. Serewicz,
Is it possible to receive the root password for the storage nodes. These nodes were not configured by me in any lab previous to Lab 11. And using the methods given in the LFS252 manual are not alloing me authenticate using ceph. This is an important lab for me and I would like to complete it, especially after your webcast today that gave me more insight on ceph. Thanks
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If you followed the instructions you did set the password. You used the echo command with a pipe to send that password to the passwd command.
I encourage you to revisit the labs and perhaps investigate each command to see what it is doing on your behalf. If you configured the ceph user on all four nodes, and changed sshd to allow ssh without a password the labs work. I have recently re-run the labs again. Using the same system. They work.
Thank you for the feedback.
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If you reference step one of the lab you run a sudo -i command. As the prompt indicates the user changes to become root. No password necessary.
You can connect to the other nodes, which are configured for your use by using the ssh command to connect. As the root user, who has an already configured public key, you can ssh to each node. Something like this: ssh storage1
Remember to use the exit command to return to the rdo-cc node before connecting to the next storage node.
Taking a look at the ssh man page or experimentting with it, as well as ssh-copy-id may be a good idea. They are important commands to know as you work with Linux and the cloud. The cloud can be rather complex and Linux command line understanding is important.
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I am able to access the storage nodes now by bypassing step 9. I will manually create the ceph user and continue.Great Webcast today, or evening my time!!
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Glad its working and the webcast was good for you. As for creating the users on each node, you may want to take a look at step 6. You will still need to do step 9 or the ceph-deploy script won't work:
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 on each of the ceph storage nodes.
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Hi serewicz.
I am a bit confused here. Do we need to execute "[ceph@rdo-cc ~]$ ssh-copy-id ceph@storage1" as the ceph user or the root user.
Any help will be very much appreciated
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Hi serewicz, thanks for all the help you are providing in this forum. i need help with the command step 5 lab11.1
[ceph@rdo-cc ~]$ sudo \
> sed -i ’s/PasswordAuthentication\ no/PasswordAuthentication\ yes/’ /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sed: -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: `â'
[ceph@rdo-cc ~]$ "this is the output when i execute the command. i have repeated the command many times after restarting the lab environemt and got the same result.
appreciate your help
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As you may remember from the chapter, and if you were to research the ceph-deploy script, you will find remember the script needs to run as a non-root user. This is why we added the ceph user on each node. Also, if you note the prompt it indicates you are to be the ceph user to run the command.
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As you may know, characters each have specific meaning when you type them on the command line. There is a difference between a single quote ( ' ) and a back-tick ( ` ). I would guess that you are copy-pasting and whatever program you are using is converting the single quote from the pdf into a back tick. There are two single-quotes on the line. Be sure that they are not being pasted as back-ticks.
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