LAB8.1 Installing RDO using packstack
When I run the below command I get errors and file "/etc/httpd/conf.d/15-horizon_vhost.conf" does not exist.Thoughts?
[root@rdo-cc ~]# packstack --answer-file rdo.txt
And below are the errors that show up at the end... [ ERROR ]
Applying Puppet manifests [ ERROR ]
ERROR : Error appeared during Puppet run:
Error: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install erlang' returned 1: Error: Package: erlang-wx- (openstack-liberty)
You will find full trace in log /var/tmp/packstack/20161014-160308-cC08H2/manifests/
Sometimes packstack has issues. Run the script a second time. Same way, just hit up-arrow and run it again. If the script fails in the same way twice there is an issue. Often packstack will error and run fine the second time without issue.
If the packstack script does not finish then your cloud is not ready, which is why the apache file is missing.
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Ran it again and got the same results. I followed all the steps very cafefully so I'm not sure why my cloud would not be ready.
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Yes, I was able to duplicate the issue both in our labs as well as on a seperate machine. It seems that four or five days ago Red Hat, who provides RDO, decided to change their repos and seperate out centos from other types of systems. In the process they are using wxGTK 3.x packages when the repos only have 2.x available for the liberty release. The install does work with the newer version Mitaka. RDO has a nightly build. As this problem has been around for at least three days I'm not sure when/if Red Hat will fix it in their packstack code.
Basically they broke the older version by using newer code and did not test it. Liberty won't be EOL for a few more weeks, so I am not sure why this would have been done. I am trying to discover a way to fix this issue. From the message boards others have the same issue. The answers who say they have figured out the issue provide no actual details to the solution.
I will respond here as soon as I figure it out.
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Seems the newest of wxGTK software is not found in a standard repo. But is is found in the testing repo. After installing the openstack-packstack package enable the testing repos. The cloud will find the necessary software and install properly. A single command to run would be this:
sed -i 's/enabled=0/enabled=1/' /etc/yum.repos.d/rdo-testing.repo
Run it after you run Lab 8, Task 1, step 3, which is:
[root@rdo-cc ~]# yum install -y \ openstack-packstack vim
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To answer your other question, if the packstack process stops with an error, especially a couple of mintues in, then the cloud would not be available to log in and use. The script takes about 15 minutes to run with the website/horizon configuration happening near the final step. The missing software caused the failure about two minutes in which kept the bulk of the cloud configuration for happening.
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It seems that this error is related to the ampp servvice see " [ ERROR ]
Applying Puppet manifests [ ERROR ]ERROR : Error appeared during Puppet run:
Error: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install erlang' returned 1: Error: Package: erlang-wx- (openstack-liberty)You will find full trace in log /var/tmp/packstack/20161024-003225-6yCitu/manifests/ have rerun the installation script few times and it always end with this error.
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If you follow the erlang issue errors further, you will find that there are missing dependencies. The software now being declared as a dependency is not part of the previous repositories. The wxGTK software has a newer version, and that is what is required.
If you enable the rdo testing repo the package will be found and it will work. Please visit the comment I made October 14th, “Must enable testing repo” for more details.
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I was able get pass the erlang issue. But now I see errors in nova.pp. It will be helpful if you can paste the exact steps you followed.
And, thanks for your post.
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I'm following the steps in the book, with the modifications mentioned here in the form. One suggestion would be to start the lab over. With a fresh node, follow the lab steps closely. After you run Lab 8, Task 1, step 3 run this command.
sed -i 's/enabled=0/enabled=1/' /etc/yum.repos.d/rdo-testing.repo
Once that is done return to the guide and continue. I have just run the steps, from the book and the suggestions above, and it works.
If you have a particular issue after this could you please paste the output of the full errors. It makes trying to figure out much easier. You may notice there is a button called "Insert Code Snippet" on the menu bar above the comment area. You can paste as a bash type and it makes it easier to read and parse.
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sed -i <span class="hljs-string" style="box-sizing: inherit;">'s/enabled=0/enabled=1/'</span> /etc/yum.repos.d/rdo-testing.repo
fix the problem for me
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Glad it worked.
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re : "It seems that four or five days ago Red Hat, who provides RDO, decided to change their repos and seperate out centos from other types of systems."
why haven't you copied the repos in house so you have a consistent environment for the paying customers ? Seems crazy the way you do things.
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