HTTP problems in lab 3.1
I've encountered several problems with the web portion of lab 3.1.
1. After putting the external IP of my server into my browser, the default Apache2 test page is displayed. It seems to not have an openstack index page.
I tried let the OpenStack and webserver services restart by rebooting the VM. After a reboot, my browser goes farther to see OpenStack, but errors out.. I think in Horizon module.
Error msg from browser:
OfflineGenerationError at /auth/login/
You have offline compression enabled but key "71f1bb91aa1db46c691a399635d662c7" is missing from offline manifest. You may need to run "python compress".
Request Method: | GET |
Request URL: | |
Something seems to be wrong here and this should be resolved for future students.
2. When I add in the external IP address for my server, I have recieved various "pop-up" windows leading to strange sites. It only seems to happen in my Chrome browser (in Fedora 24) when going to your IP addresses. All normal sites work properly, like Linux Foundation and Strange. I hope there is not some security problem.
Let me know if you need additional information from me.
Thanks for your help.
The pop up windows are something I am not aware of. If you could screen shot them next time I would take a look. There are a couple of things to conisder when you see the default page, but not the openstack login.
If the devstack script has not finished running, or has errors, the apache package is installed and the daemon is running, but the OpenStack backend and memcached may not yet be up and running. Until horizon is up the default page would be seen. Revisit the ./ output in the log file and see if there are errors having to do with horizon or keystone that would prevent the service from fully coming up.
After reboot devstack is not running. This was a more recent change to the devstack code. After a reboot you would need to run again in order to start the necessary services. The good news is the packages and code is already in place so it will quickly check that things are were they need to be and start the services.
If there are no issues with the ./ and it is not after a reboot then please go to /var/log and look for recent keystone or horizon errors. From that output we can investigate the issue further.
Thank you.
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I have done further testing and have run across the same issue. I will work with the lab support team to find an error and report back. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
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I am getting a Keystone error during ./ See my earlier comment above.
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I can not get to the Horizon login page or any of the BUI for the environment in Lab 3.4. I get to the Apache2 test page but not to OpenStack. I am guessing that this will be the same across all labs using devstack because I encountered it in Labs 3.1 - 3.4.
I am very frustrated that the labs for this OpenStack course are so broken. I am not sure if I have attempted any lab that is fully functional. I also am not seeing a rapid response to messages left here in the forum. Can I have support or a manager reach out to me offline (email) to discuss this? Thank you.
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Please use the "Start over" button and run through the labs a second time. An update will soon be been pushed to the lab content. The fix is to call a previous version of DevStack instead of the bleeding edge version.
git clone -b stable/liberty
DevStack changes all the time. OpenStack also changes a lot. The ongoing change can mean working with the product is less stable than a single-vedor, propriatary, unchanging tool. By using the -b option a previous, more stable branch can be used. While this is more stable it may not have the newest and most interesting featurs of OpenStack.
Thank you for leaving a post about the issue
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