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Video problem
Posts: 39
in Applications
Every time I watch a video on UBUNTU (desktop newest version) on any website it will fast forward through the video making it impossible to watch and there is no audio to it. Can anyone help me please?
What program are you using to watch the video and what codec is being used?0
I guess whatever the standard. I have not changed anything at all on the operating system.
If you have a solution can you tell me step by step, because I am no guru when it comes to UBUNTU by any means at all.
I am not completely ignorant of how to use computers, but skipping the simplest step may through me off so just assume I know nothing.
Thanks0 -
Did you install flashplayer-plugin for your browser? Some free web media codecs are not that stable. I prefer to use adobe flash if it is an option.
What video player are you used to what videos? It could be corrupted.0 -
MatthewFarmer47 wrote:Every time I watch a video on UBUNTU (desktop newest version) on any website it will fast forward through the video making it impossible to watch and there is no audio to it. Can anyone help me please?
Browser? html5 or flash? are you using a different plugin than adobe's?
Sooo many questions!
Regards0 -
marc wrote:MatthewFarmer47 wrote:
Browser? html5 or flash? are you using a different plugin than adobe's?
Sooo many questions!
The browser I use is firefox. I use nothing different than the standard of what it has been set to already.0 -
I heard about this problem with 64bit flash... a friend had the same issue on the newest fedora, however i don't remember how he solved it :dry: flash reinstall is always worth a try or maybe this (older) ubuntu forum thread0
odlevakp wrote:I heard about this problem with 64bit flash... a friend had the same issue on the newest fedora, however i don't remember how he solved it :dry: flash reinstall is always worth a try or maybe this (older) ubuntu forum thread
I *never* do "fresh reinstalls" to solve a problem. That's so windowslike....
Regards0 -
I'd like to know if you tried my recommendations to narrow down the issue, or if it has been resolved or not. Please update us on what is going on. Thank you.0
RickSMO wrote:I'd like to know if you tried my recommendations to narrow down the issue, or if it has been resolved or not. Please update us on what is going on. Thank you.
Sorry to everyone for my late response. I was out of town. I have tried your suggestions and they don't work. It's every website. www.youtube.com or www.gamespot.com it doesn't really matter. Just as long as there is a video it runs through it as fast as it loads it without audio.
Should I just restart UBUNTU? How would I go about doing that?
I only know how to work with Windows. Still taking me some time to get used to UBUNTU0 -
If the flash player was verified to be on the right settings then you have activated a bug either in the flash-player or your web-browser. I don't know if it has been asked yet, but have you tried it with multiple web-browsers?0
Have you tried uninstalling then re-installing adobe flash? That should fix your issue.0
RSims wrote:Have you tried uninstalling then re-installing adobe flash? That should fix your issue.
It won't let me delete anything that is "adobe"
What should I do and tell me what to click every step if you don't mind. Still very new.0 -
The easiest way would be to go to your ubuntu software center, then in the search box type in "adobe" then you should see adobe flash come up with a green arrow which means it is installed. Click on it, and press remove, it will ask for your password, type it in press OK. Once done, you can re-install the same way by clicking on it and pressing install then entering your password.
Then I would recommend going to your "Update Manager" program and updating all your ubuntu software, that alone can fix many issues. Then re-try watching your videos.
Let me know if this works for you. Glad to help.0 -
RSims wrote:The easiest way would be to go to your ubuntu software center, then in the search box type in "adobe" then you should see adobe flash come up with a green arrow which means it is installed. Click on it, and press remove, it will ask for your password, type it in press OK. Once done, you can re-install the same way by clicking on it and pressing install then entering your password.
Then I would recommend going to your "Update Manager" program and updating all your ubuntu software, that alone can fix many issues. Then re-try watching your videos.
Let me know if this works for you. Glad to help.
Thanks for your help so far, but I'm sad to say that it has yet to fix my problem. I have uninstalled adobe then installed as you said and I have gone to the update manager and updated all I could and yet the problem still remains. I have seen some other people complain of this issue on other forums, but thy never get an answer either.0 -
MatthewFarmer47 wrote:RSims wrote:
Thanks for your help so far, but I'm sad to say that it has yet to fix my problem. I have uninstalled adobe then installed as you said and I have gone to the update manager and updated all I could and yet the problem still remains. I have seen some other people complain of this issue on other forums, but thy never get an answer either.
Maybe it's a bug in the software and you can do nothing about it
Binary blobs... I hate them!
Have you tried the latest adobe flash beta?0 -
How are you installing adobe flash by-the-way?0
marc wrote:MatthewFarmer47 wrote:
Maybe it's a bug in the software and you can do nothing about it
Binary blobs... I hate them!
Have you tried the latest adobe flash beta?
Well what is my next step in getting my computer fixed? I tried typing in a Linux repair in Austin and can't find any.0 -
saqman2060 wrote:How are you installing adobe flash by-the-way?
I've tried synaptic package manager & ubuntu software center0 -
MatthewFarmer47 wrote:saqman2060 wrote:
I've tried synaptic package manager & ubuntu software center
Download adobe flash beta from here.
1- Close your browser
2- Uncompress it and place the libflashplayer.so file under ~/.mozilla/plugins/
3- Start your browser.
4- Make sure it's using your plugin rather than system's default one.
Results?0 -
marc wrote:MatthewFarmer47 wrote:
Download adobe flash beta from here.
1- Close your browser
2- Uncompress it and place the libflashplayer.so file under ~/.mozilla/plugins/
3- Start your browser.
4- Make sure it's using your plugin rather than system's default one.
Results?0 -
Open a terminal:
- cd /directory/of/the/file/you/downloaded/
- tar xzvf flashplayer11_b1_install_lin_64_071311.tar.gz <---- or whatever the file name is
- mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins <---- this makes sure you have the folder
- mv libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins
Regards0 -
marc wrote:Open a terminal:
- cd /directory/of/the/file/you/downloaded/
- tar xzvf flashplayer11_b1_install_lin_64_071311.tar.gz <---- or whatever the file name is
- mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins <---- this makes sure you have the folder
- mv libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins
What I pasted was this "cd /directory/of/the/file/you/downloaded/
tar xzvf flashplayer11_b1_install_lin_64_071311.tar.gz"0 -
MatthewFarmer47 wrote:marc wrote: I copied and pasted it into the terminal and then hit enter and it said "no such file or directory".
What I pasted was this "cd /directory/of/the/file/you/downloaded/
tar xzvf flashplayer11_b1_install_lin_64_071311.tar.gz"
Well, you do not have to copy this letter by letter!!!
I do not know your filesystem hierarchy therefore I can't give you an exact path to "cd" into (the directory where you saved the file). I do not know the file you downloaded so I can't give you the exact file name either.
You can always stop by the irc channel ( irc.linuxfoundation.org #linuxdotcom) and we can guide you command to command to get it working
My time zone is GMT+2 (Central Europe). Just write my name and I'll get a notification, if I'm around I'll talk to you
Regards0 -
Okay,, so as long as I go to "irc.linuxfoundation.org #linuxdotcom" I can find you or someone guide me through this issue I am having?
Also that is the stragest web address I've ever seen, with the " #linuxdotcom" . That's not part of it is it? I suppose I probably sound pretty dumb now asking that.0 -
MatthewFarmer47 wrote:Okay,, so as long as I go to "irc.linuxfoundation.org #linuxdotcom" I can find you or someone guide me through this issue I am having?
Also that is the stragest web address I've ever seen, with the " #linuxdotcom" . That's not part of it is it? I suppose I probably sound pretty dumb now asking that.
No one is dumb because of not knowing something so don't worry about it
That is not an web address hehe You need an IRC client (xchat, kvirc, mirc, quassel...there's many!) to connect to an IRC network (irc.linuxfoundation.org, freenode.org...). Then you can join any channel (#linuxdotcom for example).- /server irc.linuxfoundation.org
- /nick whatevernickyouwant
Then- /join #linuxdotcom
Then you'll join the #linuxdotcom channel.
Once in there ask for help in this issue ( write my name and I'll get a notification, if I'm around I'll try to help you).
Regards0 -
Thanks man. I'll go to it as soon as I get the chance.0
I actually got a new video card and everything is fine now. Weird how it worked on the one before, but then stopped and then replaced it and it works fine.
Can you highlight some text and then right click it and select copy on UBUNTU? When I right click it nothing comes up at all.0 -
Never mind, I updated in my system settings and everything is fine now.
Thanks everyone for all your help! I appreciate it very much and hope to grow with the Linux community and maybe even become a Linux administrator one day. I just wish they offered classes for it around here (Austin).0 -
They do offer online classes that you can find in the store at ubuntu.com0
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