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Custom Natty 11.4, Gnome Shell 3, Unity removed

mues747 Posts: 2

Natty 11.4 with Gnome Shell, no Unity

I have taken a few days to create this remaster distro... It is a full and functional live system with Natty 11.4 as it's base, minus all Unity, replaced with Gnome Shell 3... I created this with iQunix 11.4 32 bit... The Gnome Shell supplied and installed by the UGR (Ubuntu Gnome Remix) script...

This will install from live mode only... So if you are wishing to install, run in default live mode, login as the live user (no password), be sure that the session is set for “Gnome” and not “Gnome classic”. Then search in the applications for the “Install UGR release” installer launcher... From there on out it will install like any other Ubuntu distro... Enjoy!!!

Included software pre-installed:


Ailurus (like ubuntu tweak, minus the compiz)


Fatrat download manager

All restricted non-free medibuntu codecs



Chromium browser

Guvcview webcam application

Libre office

Tweak advanced gnome shell settings (Gnome shell extension)


Download Links:

Iso: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/32161903/Ubuntu%20Gnome%20Remix/UGR-11.04-32bit.iso

Md5: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/32161903/Ubuntu%20Gnome%20Remix/UGR-11.04-32bit.iso.md5

Read Me:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/32161903/Ubuntu%20Gnome%20Remix/READ%20ME%2C%20remix%20info



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