Spring 2024 bug fixing - A few questions
I came across the Linux kernel Bug Fixing Spring Unpaid 2024 mentorship program just a few days ago. Upon submitting my application, I realized the deadline for the process had already passed. However, the deadline for tasks is still 2023-02-15. Can I still submit the deliverables, or is it already too late for this program?
Should the answer be yes, what's the preferred format for uploads? I noticed only {pdf,doc,docx} types are allowed. I resorted to Joplin's markdown to PDF conversion.
Lastly, regarding emails: do we consolidate all tasks into one email, outlining each task in the email body? Or is it separate emails?
Best Answers
I can only definitively answer the last question which is each task should be in a separate email. There are some tasks where you have to send a patch and each patch you send should always be in its own email.
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Yes, you can still submit your deliverables within the given timeframe. As for the preferred format for uploads, you have taken the right step by converting your documents to PDF format using Joplin markdown to PDF conversion feature.
Regarding emails it is typically best to consolidate all tasks into one email. You can outline each task in the email body providing clear and concise details for each. This helps keep communication organize and ensures that all necessary information is easily accessible in one place.Best of luck with your mentorship program
Thank you so much, @richardorido
I figured the patch tasks would have to go in separate emails, but just wasn't too sure about the other tasks; not a big fan of crowding inboxes myself.
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- For some of the tasks, the deadline was 30-01-2024. I am not sure if submitting them now would help your cause or not, but if you can do them, you should definitely try.
- "Send the patch" and "send module output from dmesg in email" are 2 separate requirements:
- For the patches, as the other member has mentioned, each patch would be sent via its own email - I used 'git send-email' to send them out.
- For the second one, I merged the emails for tasks like panic and decode_stacktrace etc into one while sending the outputs/files where it was mentioned.
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Gotcha, and thank you so much for the detailed context!
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Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances, I had to withdraw my application for this round. I thought I'd leave a status update on this post so no one wastes their time answering a defunct thread. Thank you all for the prompt responses, and best of luck with your mentorship! Hopefully I can join if/when it's reopened in the future.
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@sarana said:
Yes, you can still submit your deliverables within the given timeframe. As for the preferred format for uploads, you have taken the right step by converting your documents to PDF format using Joplin markdown to PDF conversion feature.
Regarding emails it is typically best to consolidate all tasks into one email. You can outline each task in the email body providing clear and concise details for each. This helps keep communication organize and ensures that all necessary information is easily accessible in one place.Best of luck with your mentorship program
Time-traveler comment: Thank you so much, sarana! Unfortunately, I had to withdraw my application for the 2024 round, but I'm back at it again this year with even more excitement, and a little more experience than last year, haha!
Have you had the chance to join the program yourself?
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