Lab 9 Quality Gate error

The quality gate fails despite having it set with 0 coverage.
Hi @Sudoaptgetgood,
1.- Did you notice a message about "outdated browser" in the log.txt file? So it could be that, and you could try with an updated browser.
2.- I found a similar error in the SonarCloud forum. And in this case it's not about the browser version, it's related to the slash at the end of the Server URL:
So, can you try without the slash and report it back, please?
Luis.0 -
Hi Luis,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I can confirm that I am on the most recent version of Firefox, so that can't be it. I have also tried adjusting the config without slash, that didn't do it either.
I suspect SonarQube is no longer supporting anything below JDK11, and Jenkins only supports up to JDK9. I will update the thread once have more info.
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You could install additional versions of java and use them in specific jobs.
to do so,
- Go to global tools
- Add JDK
- Delete the block which says Install from
- From Add Installer dropdown, choose Extract *.zip/.tar.gz*
For Java 11, provide the following URL as installer.
as the value for Subdirectory of extracted archive.
Your configuration may resemble the above screenshot.
Now, head back to the job which was failing, choose JDK11 for the Sonarqube Scanner step.
@Sudoaptgetgood Do give this a try and let us know if it fixes it.
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The problem was what @luisviveropena initially suggested, which is the double slash trailing the url. Turns out I didn't pay enough attention and I had only fixed it for the previous maven task (which didn't care about the issue anyway).
@gouravshah Changing the jdk version was good practice though, refreshed me on how tags get referenced in jenkinsfile.
Now the gate just hangs in perpetuity in jenkins, but the code is cleared in the sonarcloud account.
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Hi @Sudoaptgetgood, I'm glad that the original issue was fixed!
Now the gate just hangs in perpetuity in jenkins, but the code is cleared in the sonarcloud account.
For the second issue, can you provide more details about it, please? Any log file to take a look at?
Luis.0 -
@luisviveropena, not sure where to pull it from. Is there anything else other than the console output? From the frontend side, the logs mirror the same info.
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Hi @Sudoaptgetgood, please take a look at the Sonarqube documentation and check for errors:
Luis.0 -
@Sudoaptgetgood you can use this pipeline code as a reference . May be you will find something here which is useful to get rid of this error.
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@gouravshah, seems adding a 10s buffer between stages fixes the issue. Sonarqube needs some time to confirm it passed before Quality Gate starts
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This is interesting. Noted. Thanks for looping us in @Sudoaptgetgood
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Hi There,
I am facing a similar issue, I initially got the "outdated browser" error in log and it was fixed by updating the server URL.
But facing issue now at the quality gate, as the flow is now stuck there and not coming out adding a sleep also is not solving my issue.
can somebody help.
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Hi @paccha5065, I suggest to create a new post, so we can check on your specific case.
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