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Lab 15.1- Multiple env variable detection problem on win10

dtravailloux Posts: 16
edited January 2021 in LFW211 Class Forum

Hello everybody. I lose a lot of time on this lab..trying understand why my code don't work on windows 10, node v15.5.1, launch test.js from console command at root directory of scripts.

I have a problem that I saw in some posts : multiple env variables but solutions given don't work for me.

This is the code I use for have a passed result:

I change the filtering on environment variables and I passed the test with this light change. @davidmarkclements, is it ok for you ?



  • dtravailloux

    "little change" I mean

  • davidmarkclements
    davidmarkclements Posts: 270
    edited February 2021


    • avoid odd number versions of node. Node 15 is experimental. This material was written against Node 12 and is compatible with Node 14
    • this is a known issue on Windows and different windows environments (and shells) all inject different variables
    • your solution in the validation code doesn't solve this problem, because we're checking that the environment has no extra variables, filtering for just the expected variable ignores that
    • your actual solution is fine though


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