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Helm3 - Lab 14.1


Hello, I two questions.

I have added another repo "https://charts.helm.sh/stable":

$ helm3 repo list
    NAME    URL
    stable  https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com
    stable2 https://charts.helm.sh/stable
  1. Why are a so much chars deprecated?? how can I do to find a non deprecated chart for mariadb or postgresql?
$ helm3 search repo maria
    stable/mariadb          7.3.14          10.3.22         DEPRECATED Fast, reliable, scalable, and easy t...
    stable2/mariadb         7.3.14          10.3.22         DEPRECATED Fast, reliable, scalable, and easy t...

$ helm3 search repo postg
    NAME                                    CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
    stable/postgresql                       8.6.4           11.7.0          DEPRECATED Chart for PostgreSQL, an object-rela...

  1. Why is trying to download non existing resources?
$ helm3 --debug install ddbb stable/mariadb
    install.go:148: [debug] Original chart version: ""
    Error: failed to fetch https://charts.helm.sh/stable/mariadb-7.3.14.tgz : 404 Not Found
    helm.go:76: [debug] failed to fetch https://charts.helm.sh/stable/mariadb-7.3.14.tgz : 404 Not Found

Thanks in advance


  • chrispokorni

    Hi @fjgarcia,

    You may be able to run helm repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable --force-update to fix your issue.


  • TheFutonEng
    TheFutonEng Posts: 7
    edited January 2021

    Ran into the same issue. Executing a 'helm repo update' did not change anything.

    [user@cka-master01]$ helm3 repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable
    "stable" has been added to your repositories
    [user@cka-master01]$ helm3 repo list
    NAME    URL                          
    stable  https://charts.helm.sh/stable
    [user@cka-master01]$ helm3 search repo maria
    NAME                CHART VERSION   APP VERSION DESCRIPTION                                       
    stable/mariadb      7.3.14          10.3.22     DEPRECATED Fast, reliable, scalable, and easy t...
    stable/phpmyadmin   4.3.5           5.0.1       DEPRECATED phpMyAdmin is an mysql administratio...

    Then updated and searched again:

    [user@cka-master01]$ helm3 repo update 
    Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
    ...Successfully got an update from the "stable" chart repository
    Update Complete. ⎈ Happy Helming!⎈ 
    [user@cka-master01]$ helm3 search repo maria
    NAME                CHART VERSION   APP VERSION DESCRIPTION                                       
    stable/mariadb      7.3.14          10.3.22     DEPRECATED Fast, reliable, scalable, and easy t...
    stable/phpmyadmin   4.3.5           5.0.1       DEPRECATED phpMyAdmin is an mysql administratio...

    The rest of the lab gives some clues on what's happening, some of the debug output from the helm install indicates that this chart is now maintained elsewhere:

    This Helm chart is deprecated
    Given the `stable` deprecation timeline (https://github.com/helm/charts#deprecation-timeline), the Bitnami maintained Helm chart is now located at bitnami/charts (https://github.com/bitnami/charts/).
    The Bitnami repository is already included in the Hubs and we will continue providing the same cadence of updates, support, etc that we've been keeping here these years. Installation instructions are very similar, just adding the _bitnami_ repo and using it during the installation (`bitnami/<chart>` instead of `stable/<chart>`)
    $ helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
    $ helm install my-release bitnami/<chart>           # Helm 3
    $ helm install --name my-release bitnami/<chart>    # Helm 2
  • serewicz
    serewicz Posts: 1,000


    Change is constant and dynamic. I will revisit where the charts are coming from and update the lab.

    While this may seem like an issue - this is what it is to work with a dynamic open source cloud environment. Our labs are not canned "demos" that are sterile and have no relevance to real production. Instead we download and use the tools live just as you would encounter in production. As a result these sorts of things are to be expected.


  • TheFutonEng

    @serewicz , agreed this is just the nature of the beast. I imagine it's an arduous task to keep the labs up to date with how fast things change and the large number of external dependencies. I was just tossing a comment in for folks to hopefully find a solution to this issue in the meantime. Thanks for all of your hard work!



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