Welcome to the Linux Foundation Forum!

We start today with the office hours!

Hi all, I'm Luis Vivero and I'll be one of the instructors in the bootcamp.

We start today with Linux Basics (LFS201)! The meeting will be by Zoom at 10 am Central Time, and you should have already the information to connect.

I'll do my best to answer your questions, and I think we can start by the basic stuff about the course, answering doubts, etc.

See you soon!



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  • Posts: 1
    edited June 2020


    "Central Time" means Central Time North America or Central European Time?

    I found the answer in a different topic: Central Time North America

  • Posts: 1,264

    Hi @northway ,

    Yeah, its Central Time North America. You can see it here:



  • Posts: 5

    Hi, I can't find information how to connect to meeting.

  • Posts: 1,264

    Hi @Aygun20 ,

    The information is in the welcome email.


  • Posts: 5

    @luisviveropena said:
    Hi @Aygun20 ,

    The information is in the welcome email.


    I have got Linux Foundation Order email where I registered to exams, but didn't get any welcome email.

  • Posts: 1,264

    Can you search an email with subject "Welcome to the Linux Foundation Cloud Engineer Bootcamp", please?

    If you don't find it, please send me a message with your email (the same you registered).


  • Posts: 5

    I have registered to the exams, I also have an access to portal. I checked my email but there is no welcome email.

  • Posts: 8

    Hello @Aygun20,
    I found the Zoom links and passwords in an email I received early yesterday morning, with the Subject: "Welcome to the Linux Foundation Cloud Engineer Bootcamp." Check your email once more, as the Zoom information came in a separate email from the Order email. If OK with @luisviveropena, I could post those details in this forum.

  • Posts: 1,264

    Hi @Aygun20 , I just sent you a message (like an "inbox").


  • Posts: 5

    @fxgallo said:
    Hello @Aygun20,
    I found the Zoom links and passwords in an email I received early yesterday morning, with the Subject: "Welcome to the Linux Foundation Cloud Engineer Bootcamp." Check your email once more, as the Zoom information came in a separate email from the Order email. If OK with @luisviveropena, I could post those details in this forum.

    Thank you for the information! I haven't received that email. I checked my spam folder too.

  • Posts: 1,264

    Hi @Aygun20 , I'm working on this, please give me some minutes.

    Hi @fxgallo , I'm unsure that we can do that. But I'm already working on the access for Aygun20.


  • Posts: 8

    Hi @luisviveropena, Yes, understood; that's why I held off posting those details until I could hear definitively from you.
    Thanks, Frank

  • Posts: 2,238

    Hi @fxgallo

    Since this is a public forum, we cannot post those credentials here. Assistance with this can be provided by our Customer Service Team, at training@linuxfoundation.org.

    Thank you,
    The Linux Foundation Training Team

  • Posts: 32

    one problem with providing office hours in blocks (e.g. foundations for 8 weeks, then networking for say 8weeks, etc), is that it is less flexible for a self-paced course i.e. we might be all over the place in a few months time - some studying foundations, some doing devops, etc. But it seems like basically everyone is going to be doing foundations for the first 4-8 weeks at least, and very few if anyone doing the other courses in that time, so maybe to get off to the best start possible that block at least could be assigned to this course

  • Posts: 8

    Hello @fcioanca,
    Yes, understood. Thank you for your message. -Frank

  • Hi Luis, there will be a recording available of today sesion? I wasn't able to particpate but I was interested.

  • Posts: 1,264

    Hi @smachado87 , I asked and we won't record sessions.

    I hope you can join tomorrow.

    Many regards!

  • Posts: 2

    Hi @luisviveropena
    I haven't received any email regarding zoom meetings.

  • Posts: 1,264

    Hi @justFahad ,

    Please look for an email with subject "Welcome to the Linux Foundation Cloud Engineer Bootcamp".


  • Hi Luis, quick question on the structure of the 10.am meets. Given that I registered late and won't be able to attend this week, how are they structured? Is there a timetable/ list of topics that will be covered before hand or are the meetings like a Q&A forum? Thanks.

  • Posts: 1,264

    Hi @pathatim77 ,

    We don't have a structucture for all the web conferences, but we are doing the following:

    1.- Q/A during the first part.
    2.- We do about two labs that we agreed the past session.
    3.- We agree what we're gonna do next session.

    Many regards!


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