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Lab 6 - Invalid policy


I got error running this script to upgrade my chaincode.

peer chaincode upgrade -n ccForaLL -v 1.1 -C allarewelcome -c '{"Args":["Mach","50"]}' -P "AND('Org1.peer', 'Org2.peer' OR ('Org1.peer, Org2.peer))"


Error: invalid policy AND('Org1.peer', 'Org2.peer' OR ('Org1.peer, Org2.peer))
Error: could not assemble transaction, err proposal response was not successful, error code 500, msg cannot get package for chaincode (ccForaLL:1.1)


  • hanesoliveira

    Hi @PaulAmehUgw1!

    The PDF has some typos and you need to fix it when issuing commands. In this case try to complete the missing single quotes for Org1.peer and Org2.peer.

  • PaulAmehUgw1

    @hanesoliveira I did tried that earlier and the result was the same:

    peer chaincode upgrade -n ccForAll -v 1.1 -C allarewelcome -c '{"Args":["Mach","50"]}' -P "AND('Org1.peer', 'Org2.peer' OR ('Org1.peer, Org2.peer'))"


    2019-06-20 02:56:23.367 UTC [chaincodeCmd] checkChaincodeCmdParams -> INFO 004 Using default escc
    2019-06-20 02:56:23.367 UTC [chaincodeCmd] checkChaincodeCmdParams -> INFO 005 Using default vscc
    Error: invalid policy AND('Org1.peer', 'Org2.peer' OR ('Org1.peer, Org2.peer'))
    peer chaincode upgrade [flags]

    -C, --channelID string The channel on which this command should be executed
    --collections-config string The fully qualified path to the collection JSON file including the

    And then, I modified the command with this:

    peer chaincode upgrade -n ccForAll -v 1.1 -C allarewelcome -c '{"Args":["Mach","50"]}' -P "AND('Org1.peer', OR ('Org1.member'))"

    peer chaincode list --instantiated -C allarewelcome

    Get instantiated chaincodes on channel allarewelcome:
    Name: ccForAll, Version: 1.1, Path: github.com/sacc, Escc: escc, Vscc: vscc

    Could it be that the initial upgrade policy is inaccurate?

  • kmyatt
    kmyatt Posts: 39

    The pdf was a missing comma in the policy which has been updated and will be in the next pdf version that will be release . For those experiencing an issue. Rerun with the below command:

    peer chaincode upgrade -n ccForAll -v 1.1 -C allarewelcome-c '{"Args": ["Mach","50"]}' -P "AND('Org1.peer', 'Org2.peer', OR('Org1.peer','Org2.peer'))"

  • kmyatt
    kmyatt Posts: 39
    edited June 2019

    @PaulAmehUgw1 Not inaccurate, just missing a comma in the policy. Simple(small) typo in the pdf, as @hanesoliveira mentioned prior .

    Keep up the great work guys!


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