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Lab 3.2. Section 9

JorgeLoza Posts: 1
edited March 2018 in LFS258 Class Forum

Hi all,

When I check the interfaces in both nodes, I don't see the interface cni0 in a worker node (it appears only in a master node). In the Lab document appears the following line:

9. View the networking on the master and second node. You should see a docker0, cni0, and a flannel.1 interface

among others.

In my Master node:

2: eth0:

3: docker0:

4: flannel.1:

5: cni0:

6: vethdf95e17f@if3:

In my worker node (after join to cluster):

2: eth0:

3: docker0:

4: flannel.1:


Best regards,



  • serewicz
    serewicz Posts: 1,000
    edited March 2018


    Yes, this is true if you have not yet created any containers on the new system. I will update the material to reference this. I must have run step 10, then looked back. Please run a Pod with enough replicas to use both nodes and let us know if the interface has been created.




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