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show "Apache2 Default Page" instead of the dashboard

Posts: 8

Hello folks

For the labs 3.1 to 3.4, when I try to log to the horizon dashboard it is showing me the "Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page" instead.

On the solution pdf, it is not talking about doing any setup or configuration... So what shoud I do ?

Should I setup by myself the dashboard ? And how I can do it ?



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  • Posts: 1,000
    edited April 2017


    If you can view the default Apache page, but not the expected dashboard content this is usually due to a failure of the software to install.  I have just replicated the problem myself. I am looking into a fix. 

    If you look in the logs output you will see an error similar to the following. It indicates some sort of mismatch between the software expected and what is available. This does happen with DevStack. 

    1. 2017-04-10 02:43:10.334 | Stored in directory: /home/ubuntu/.cache/pip/wheels/19/8a/01
    2. /20cf74c3f38d49ef8e9b9aa7ffd38cefff79bad9f6f2c651f0
    3. 2017-04-10 02:43:10.339 | Successfully built cmd2 cryptography pycparser retrying wrapt
    4. 2017-04-10 02:43:10.339 | Installing collected packages: appdirs, pycparser, cffi, pypar
    5. sing, cmd2, pbr, stevedore, cliff, idna, pyasn1, ipaddress, cryptography, wrapt, debtcol
    6. lector, jsonschema, monotonic, netaddr, retrying, oslo.i18n, oslo.config, pytz, oslo.uti
    7. ls, oslo.concurrency, oslo.context, oslo.serialization, python-dateutil, oslo.log, param
    8. iko, python-mimeparse, urllib3
    9. 2017-04-10 02:43:10.339 | Found existing installation: appdirs 1.4.3
    10. 2017-04-10 02:43:10.345 | Uninstalling appdirs-1.4.3:
    11. 2017-04-10 02:43:10.356 | Successfully uninstalled appdirs-1.4.3
    12. 2017-04-10 02:43:10.459 | Rolling back uninstall of appdirs
    13. 2017-04-10 02:43:10.525 | Exception:
    14. 2017-04-10 02:43:10.526 | Traceback (most recent call last):


    A search of the internet shows this may be tied to a recent bug:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/devstack/+bug/1667545

    Or at least it has the same characterists. I will send this information along to the infrastructure team to work on once we find a fix. As these sorts of errors are common with DevStack, and even OpenStack, troubleshooting can be valuable. Should you discover a fix on your own, please let the forum know.   


  • Posts: 8
    edited April 2017

    thanks for your fast reply.

    It means everybody on this labs 3.x should be impacted too.

  • Posts: 1,000
    edited April 2017

    Yes, I have tried a couple things to get python/pip to be happy but so far it causes other issues. Will continue to work on it.

    All the 2.x and 3.x labs will be affected until a bug fix comes out or I figure out a work-around.  

    One idea is to use the 8.x and 10.x labs and run the steps found in 3.x labs.  The RDO distro is more consistent than DevStack, but they are very similar. It would be a way to continue with labs and learn some of the diffrerences between DevStack and RDO.



  • Posts: 8
    edited April 2017

    I tryed the lab 3.4 and by default it is still not working. but after re-run stack.sh all went fine and now the installation is up and running.

    But it is a basic and empty environment, without the exercises.

    Is there a way (or a script) who is setting up the lab ?

    PS : about using the lab 8, it seems also empty

  • Posts: 1,000
    edited April 2017


    If I understand you correclty you were able to get a 3.x lab to work by running the ./stack.sh script twice? I have not tried that, but will if it worked for you. Did you try any other steps?

    As for lab 8, when you say it is empty, I am not sure what you mean. What is empty?



  • Posts: 8
    edited April 2017

    In fact once the lab is ready, just running the script stack.sh is enough

    Sorry, I was not clear about the lab 8. This lab is without the install of openstack by default, so before being able to work on the lab 3.x, all the install must be done

  • Posts: 1,000
    edited April 2017

    With lab8 and later labs there will be a new cloud setup and used. Instead of DevStack you will be using RDO. So when lab8 begins you would not have any OpenStack installed and will use packstack.

    As for lab 3.x have you found the ,/stack.sh script just works for you the first time? I have just tried again without luck, but lots of python errors. If it is working, any steps you are following outside the labs would be much appreciated.



  • Posts: 8
    edited April 2017

    I didn't change the conf, I just ran stack.sh

    But before I checked that no "devstack" process were running


  • Posts: 1,000
    edited April 2017

    Hopefully the bug fix has fully rolled out and you won't have to adjust anything but lab 2, which requires an edit to a configuration file.  The infrastructure team is using that fix when they roll out later chapters, so they should work as suggested in the book.



  • Posts: 4
    edited May 2017

    I had the same problem right out of the gate with Lab 2.1.  I ran unstack.sh followed by clearn.sh and then reran stack.sh. That seemed to fix the problem.  Either that or the bug fix came out during those few minutes that I did the above.  I like to think I managed to figure out a solution myself.


  • Posts: 2
    edited May 2017

    Hi Guys,

    Just installed lab2. And no dashboard came out.   Only Apache default page.

    Any procedure to fix this ?

    best rgds


  • Posts: 1,000
    edited May 2017


    Are there errors in your log file? If you could post the errors, typically the lines right before and following an exit_trap type event. If you grep for errors in general you should at least see what the reported issue was. This would help the troubleshooting process. 

    In general errors to the terminal and log files will be the best place to start when dealing with OpenStack. 


  • Posts: 2
    edited May 2017

    Hi serewicz,

    Tks for your help.

    I 've cleaned all up ( ./unstack + cleanup ) and used ./stack.sh again.

    Now it works.  Horizon came up.

    Isn't that supposed to be a controlled environment ?

    Will be any other surprises along the way ?




  • Posts: 1,000
    edited May 2017


    Glad to hear it is working for you. We use the live and real-time software. When you work with the product outside of the learning environment it will be very dynamic as it is here.  It is better to understand how the software really works, blemish and all,  instead of a "demo" which does not reflect the real product.


  • Posts: 18
    edited May 2017

    "We use the live and real-time software. When you work with the product outside of the learning environment it will be very dynamic as it is here.  It is better to understand how the software really works, blemish and all,  instead of a "demo" which does not reflect the real product."

    Absolutely disagree. We paid a lot of money to be here. Having things work first time without the 12 hour delay (cause i'm in Australia) is ABSOLUTELY what we want.

    We are here to learn not be sidetracked by having to fix things and guess at things that have been deprecated and mismatches between actual and the documentation.



  • Posts: 1,000
    edited May 2017

    Thank you for your thoughtful feedback.


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