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Trouble shooting script problems


Hi, I’m trying to write a script that creates a user account in Linux and adds it to an appropriate group (either staff or students). However, when it is run, it keeps coming up with the message “unexpected token error ‘done’” . Below, you will find the pseudocode and my actual script, so that you have a rough idea about what I think the script should be doing. Please could you read through and give me a vague idea (so I can sort it out myself) about where I went wrong? Any help will be appreciated. Also, a final note to say that I’m relatively new to Linux and this is my first script, hence if my script make absolutely no sense whatever, try not to be surprised! (although, I have tried to include as much information as possible to explain my aim)



echo "Enter desired username and press ENTER"

read and store input as $username

If username already exists…

echo "User already exists" and ask for username again

If username is asked for more than 3 times, then exit script

echo "Enter desired password and press ENTER"

Read and store variable $password

If password exists…

echo "Password already exists" and ask for password again

If password is asked for more than 3 times, then exit script

If user is not root, then

echo “Only root can add user" and exit

else encrypt password

add user and Save the user’s details in the /etc/passwd directory

if details found in /etc/passwd directory, then

echo “User has been added”

else echo “Error: User not added” and try to add user

If an error has occured while trying to add the user more than 3 times, then start script from the beginning again

else (continue)

echo “Is $username a student? (ENTER yes/no)”

Read, create and store variable $confirm

if $confirm = yes; then

groupadd students


groupadd staff





#setting variable for repeat

while test "$repeat" -le "3”

#Repeat the whole script while $repeat is less than or equal to 3


#start of main script loop

count = 3

#setting variable for count which is used to repeat username input if the username exists

while test "$count" -le "3"

# Repeat the whole username process while $count is less than or equal to 3


#Start of username loop

echo "Enter desired username and press ENTER"

#asking to input username

read $username

#read and store input as $username

if id -u $username >/dev/null 2>&1; then

#If username already exists…

echo "User already exists"

#Output “User already exists"


#Take one away from $count, so that the loop can only happen 3 times


#End of count loop

exit 0

#exit only if username is set and doesn’t exist


#Continuation of if then else loop, only continues if username doesn’t exist already

#Going on to setting the password loop as username variable is set already


#setting variable for passcount which is used to repeat password input if the password exists

while test "$passcount" -le "3"

# Repeat the whole password process while $passcount is less than or equal to 3


#Start of password loop

echo "Enter desired password and press ENTER"

#Asking user to input password

read $password

#Read and store variable $password

if id -u $password >/dev/null 2>&1; then

#If password exists…

echo "Password already exists"

#Output "Password already exists"


#Take one away from $passcount, so that the loop can only happen 3 times


#Exit when $password is set and doesn’t already exist


#Continuation of the if then else loop

if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then

#If user is not root, then

echo "Only root can add user" 1>&2

#Echo only root can add user

exit 0

#Exit immediately as they are not root


#Continuation of the if then else loop

#Only goes on if they are root

pass=$(perl -e 'print crypt($ARGV[0], "password")' $password)

#Encrypt password

useradd -m -p $pass $username

#Add user

egrep "^$username" /etc/passwd >/dev/null

#Save the user’s details in the /etc/passwd directory

if id -u $username >/dev/null 2>&1; then

#If user is added

echo "$username has been added!"

#Output that information to user


echo ”Failed to add $username!"

#Continuation of the if then else loop if user is not added


#Set and store variable $added

while test "$added" -le "3"

#Starting loop so that user can be added again


useradd -m -p $pass $username

#Adding user


#Adding 1 to added so that the loop repeat only 3 times


#Ending the while loop after adding user has been repeated 3 times

if $added = 3; then

#If the added loop has repeated 3 times


#Then start it from the beginning again

#Adding 1 to $repeat loop


#End of repeat loop. If user not created starts again


#Continuation of if then else loop

#Only goes on if user created

echo “Is $username a student? (ENTER yes/no)”

#Output option for group

read $confirm

#Read, create and store variable $confirm

if $confirm = yes; then

#If user is a student, then

groupadd student

#Add to the student group


#If user is not a student…

groupadd staff

#Add to staff group


#End of loop


#End of loop


#End of loop


#End of loop


#End of loop


#End of loop

Exit 0

#End of shell script



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