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Implementation problem
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Hello, I want to implement k-means algo on LEACH protocol in ns2.34 in centos for that i don`t have any idea how to implement it with given code? Please help me ? Please guide me for that.I have installed leach in ns2.34.
// kmeans.h
// Ethan Brodsky
// October 2011
void kmeans(
int dim, // dimension of data
double *X, // pointer to data
int n, // number of elements
int k, // number of clusters
double *cluster_centroid, // initial cluster centroids
int *cluster_assignment_final // output
// Ethan Brodsky
// October 2011
void kmeans(
int dim, // dimension of data
double *X, // pointer to data
int n, // number of elements
int k, // number of clusters
double *cluster_centroid, // initial cluster centroids
int *cluster_assignment_final // output
// kmeans.c
// Ethan Brodsky
// October 2011
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define sqr(x) ((x)*(x))
#define MAX_CLUSTERS 16
#define MAX_ITERATIONS 100
#define BIG_double (INFINITY)
void fail(char *str)
double calc_distance(int dim, double *p1, double *p2)
double distance_sq_sum = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < dim; ii++)
distance_sq_sum += sqr(p1[ii] - p2[ii]);
return distance_sq_sum;
void calc_all_distances(int dim, int n, int k, double *X, double *centroid, double *distance_output)
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++) // for each point
for (int jj = 0; jj < k; jj++) // for each cluster
// calculate distance between point and cluster centroid
distance_output[ii*k + jj] = calc_distance(dim, &X[ii*dim], ¢roid[jj*dim]);
double calc_total_distance(int dim, int n, int k, double *X, double *centroids, int *cluster_assignment_index)
// NOTE: a point with cluster assignment -1 is ignored
double tot_D = 0;
// for every point
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
// which cluster is it in?
int active_cluster = cluster_assignment_index[ii];
// sum distance
if (active_cluster != -1)
tot_D += calc_distance(dim, &X[ii*dim], ¢roids[active_cluster*dim]);
return tot_D;
void choose_all_clusters_from_distances(int dim, int n, int k, double *distance_array, int *cluster_assignment_index)
// for each point
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
int best_index = -1;
double closest_distance = BIG_double;
// for each cluster
for (int jj = 0; jj < k; jj++)
// distance between point and cluster centroid
double cur_distance = distance_array[ii*k + jj];
if (cur_distance < closest_distance)
best_index = jj;
closest_distance = cur_distance;
// record in array
cluster_assignment_index[ii] = best_index;
void calc_cluster_centroids(int dim, int n, int k, double *X, int *cluster_assignment_index, double *new_cluster_centroid)
int cluster_member_count[MAX_CLUSTERS];
// initialize cluster centroid coordinate sums to zero
for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
cluster_member_count[ii] = 0;
for (int jj = 0; jj < dim; jj++)
new_cluster_centroid[ii*dim + jj] = 0;
// sum all points
// for every point
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
// which cluster is it in?
int active_cluster = cluster_assignment_index[ii];
// update count of members in that cluster
// sum point coordinates for finding centroid
for (int jj = 0; jj < dim; jj++)
new_cluster_centroid[active_cluster*dim + jj] += X[ii*dim + jj];
// now divide each coordinate sum by number of members to find mean/centroid
// for each cluster
for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
if (cluster_member_count[ii] == 0)
printf("WARNING: Empty cluster %d! \n", ii);
// for each dimension
for (int jj = 0; jj < dim; jj++)
new_cluster_centroid[ii*dim + jj] /= cluster_member_count[ii]; /// XXXX will divide by zero here for any empty clusters!
void get_cluster_member_count(int n, int k, int *cluster_assignment_index, int *cluster_member_count)
// initialize cluster member counts
for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
cluster_member_count[ii] = 0;
// count members of each cluster
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
void update_delta_score_table(int dim, int n, int k, double *X, int *cluster_assignment_cur, double *cluster_centroid, int *cluster_member_count, double *point_move_score_table, int cc)
// for every point (both in and not in the cluster)
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
double dist_sum = 0;
for (int kk = 0; kk < dim; kk++)
double axis_dist = X[ii*dim + kk] - cluster_centroid[cc*dim + kk];
dist_sum += sqr(axis_dist);
double mult = ((double)cluster_member_count[cc] / (cluster_member_count[cc] + ((cluster_assignment_cur[ii]==cc) ? -1 : +1)));
point_move_score_table[ii*dim + cc] = dist_sum * mult;
void perform_move(int dim, int n, int k, double *X, int *cluster_assignment, double *cluster_centroid, int *cluster_member_count, int move_point, int move_target_cluster)
int cluster_old = cluster_assignment[move_point];
int cluster_new = move_target_cluster;
// update cluster assignment array
cluster_assignment[move_point] = cluster_new;
// update cluster count array
if (cluster_member_count[cluster_old] <= 1)
printf("WARNING: Can't handle single-member clusters! \n");
// update centroid array
for (int ii = 0; ii < dim; ii++)
cluster_centroid[cluster_old*dim + ii] -= (X[move_point*dim + ii] - cluster_centroid[cluster_old*dim + ii]) / cluster_member_count[cluster_old];
cluster_centroid[cluster_new*dim + ii] += (X[move_point*dim + ii] - cluster_centroid[cluster_new*dim + ii]) / cluster_member_count[cluster_new];
void cluster_diag(int dim, int n, int k, double *X, int *cluster_assignment_index, double *cluster_centroid)
int cluster_member_count[MAX_CLUSTERS];
get_cluster_member_count(n, k, cluster_assignment_index, cluster_member_count);
printf(" Final clusters \n");
for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
printf(" cluster %d: members: %8d, centroid (%.1f %.1f) \n", ii, cluster_member_count[ii], cluster_centroid[ii*dim + 0], cluster_centroid[ii*dim + 1]);
void copy_assignment_array(int n, int *src, int *tgt)
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
tgt[ii] = src[ii];
int assignment_change_count(int n, int a[], int b[])
int change_count = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
if (a[ii] != b[ii])
return change_count;
void kmeans(
int dim, // dimension of data
double *X, // pointer to data
int n, // number of elements
int k, // number of clusters
double *cluster_centroid, // initial cluster centroids
int *cluster_assignment_final // output
double *dist = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * n * k);
int *cluster_assignment_cur = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
int *cluster_assignment_prev = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
double *point_move_score = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * n * k);
if (!dist || !cluster_assignment_cur || !cluster_assignment_prev || !point_move_score)
fail("Error allocating dist arrays");
// initial setup
calc_all_distances(dim, n, k, X, cluster_centroid, dist);
choose_all_clusters_from_distances(dim, n, k, dist, cluster_assignment_cur);
copy_assignment_array(n, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_assignment_prev);
double prev_totD = BIG_double;
int batch_iteration = 0;
while (batch_iteration < MAX_ITERATIONS)
// printf("batch iteration %d \n", batch_iteration);
// cluster_diag(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid);
// update cluster centroids
calc_cluster_centroids(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid);
// deal with empty clusters
// see if we've failed to improve
double totD = calc_total_distance(dim, n, k, X, cluster_centroid, cluster_assignment_cur);
if (totD > prev_totD)
// failed to improve - currently solution worse than previous
// restore old assignments
copy_assignment_array(n, cluster_assignment_prev, cluster_assignment_cur);
// recalc centroids
calc_cluster_centroids(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid);
printf(" negative progress made on this step - iteration completed (%.2f) \n", totD - prev_totD);
// done with this phase
// save previous step
copy_assignment_array(n, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_assignment_prev);
// move all points to nearest cluster
calc_all_distances(dim, n, k, X, cluster_centroid, dist);
choose_all_clusters_from_distances(dim, n, k, dist, cluster_assignment_cur);
int change_count = assignment_change_count(n, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_assignment_prev);
printf("%3d %u %9d %16.2f %17.2f\n", batch_iteration, 1, change_count, totD, totD - prev_totD);
// done with this phase if nothing has changed
if (change_count == 0)
printf(" no change made on this step - iteration completed \n");
prev_totD = totD;
cluster_diag(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid);
/* The online update prtion of this code has never worked properly, but batch update has been adequate for our projects so far.
int online_iteration = 0;
int last_point_moved = 0;
int cluster_changed[MAX_CLUSTERS];
for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
cluster_changed[ii] = 1;
int cluster_member_count[MAX_CLUSTERS];
get_cluster_member_count(n, k, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_member_count);
while (online_iteration < MAX_ITERATIONS)
// printf("online iteration %d \n", online_iteration);
// for each cluster
for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
if (cluster_changed[ii])
update_delta_score_table(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid, cluster_member_count, point_move_score, ii);
// pick a point to move
// look at points in sequence starting at one after previously moved point
int make_move = 0;
int point_to_move = -1;
int target_cluster = -1;
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
int point_to_consider = (last_point_moved + 1 + ii) % n;
// find the best target for it
int best_target_cluster = -1;
int best_match_count = 0;
double best_delta = BIG_double;
// for each possible target
for (int jj = 0; jj < k; jj++)
double cur_delta = point_move_score[point_to_consider*k + jj];
// is this the best move so far?
if (cur_delta < best_delta)
// yes - record it
best_target_cluster = jj;
best_delta = cur_delta;
best_match_count = 1;
else if (cur_delta == best_delta)
// no, but it's tied with the best one
// is the best cluster for this point its current cluster?
if (best_target_cluster == cluster_assignment_cur[point_to_consider])
// yes - don't move this point
// do we have a unique best move?
if (best_match_count > 1)
// no - don't move this point (ignore ties)
// yes - we've found a good point to move
point_to_move = point_to_consider;
target_cluster = best_target_cluster;
make_move = 1;
if (make_move)
// where should we move it to?
printf(" %10d: moved %d to %d \n", point_to_move, cluster_assignment_cur[point_to_move], target_cluster);
// mark which clusters have been modified
for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
cluster_changed[ii] = 0;
cluster_changed[cluster_assignment_cur[point_to_move[[ = 1;
cluster_changed[target_cluster] = 1;
// perform move
perform_move(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid, cluster_member_count, point_to_move, target_cluster);
// count an iteration every time we've cycled through all the points
if (point_to_move < last_point_moved)
last_point_moved = point_to_move;
// printf("iterations: %3d %3d \n", batch_iteration, online_iteration);
// write to output array
copy_assignment_array(n, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_assignment_final);
// Ethan Brodsky
// October 2011
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define sqr(x) ((x)*(x))
#define MAX_CLUSTERS 16
#define MAX_ITERATIONS 100
#define BIG_double (INFINITY)
void fail(char *str)
double calc_distance(int dim, double *p1, double *p2)
double distance_sq_sum = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < dim; ii++)
distance_sq_sum += sqr(p1[ii] - p2[ii]);
return distance_sq_sum;
void calc_all_distances(int dim, int n, int k, double *X, double *centroid, double *distance_output)
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++) // for each point
for (int jj = 0; jj < k; jj++) // for each cluster
// calculate distance between point and cluster centroid
distance_output[ii*k + jj] = calc_distance(dim, &X[ii*dim], ¢roid[jj*dim]);
double calc_total_distance(int dim, int n, int k, double *X, double *centroids, int *cluster_assignment_index)
// NOTE: a point with cluster assignment -1 is ignored
double tot_D = 0;
// for every point
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
// which cluster is it in?
int active_cluster = cluster_assignment_index[ii];
// sum distance
if (active_cluster != -1)
tot_D += calc_distance(dim, &X[ii*dim], ¢roids[active_cluster*dim]);
return tot_D;
void choose_all_clusters_from_distances(int dim, int n, int k, double *distance_array, int *cluster_assignment_index)
// for each point
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
int best_index = -1;
double closest_distance = BIG_double;
// for each cluster
for (int jj = 0; jj < k; jj++)
// distance between point and cluster centroid
double cur_distance = distance_array[ii*k + jj];
if (cur_distance < closest_distance)
best_index = jj;
closest_distance = cur_distance;
// record in array
cluster_assignment_index[ii] = best_index;
void calc_cluster_centroids(int dim, int n, int k, double *X, int *cluster_assignment_index, double *new_cluster_centroid)
int cluster_member_count[MAX_CLUSTERS];
// initialize cluster centroid coordinate sums to zero
for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
cluster_member_count[ii] = 0;
for (int jj = 0; jj < dim; jj++)
new_cluster_centroid[ii*dim + jj] = 0;
// sum all points
// for every point
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
// which cluster is it in?
int active_cluster = cluster_assignment_index[ii];
// update count of members in that cluster
// sum point coordinates for finding centroid
for (int jj = 0; jj < dim; jj++)
new_cluster_centroid[active_cluster*dim + jj] += X[ii*dim + jj];
// now divide each coordinate sum by number of members to find mean/centroid
// for each cluster
for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
if (cluster_member_count[ii] == 0)
printf("WARNING: Empty cluster %d! \n", ii);
// for each dimension
for (int jj = 0; jj < dim; jj++)
new_cluster_centroid[ii*dim + jj] /= cluster_member_count[ii]; /// XXXX will divide by zero here for any empty clusters!
void get_cluster_member_count(int n, int k, int *cluster_assignment_index, int *cluster_member_count)
// initialize cluster member counts
for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
cluster_member_count[ii] = 0;
// count members of each cluster
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
void update_delta_score_table(int dim, int n, int k, double *X, int *cluster_assignment_cur, double *cluster_centroid, int *cluster_member_count, double *point_move_score_table, int cc)
// for every point (both in and not in the cluster)
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
double dist_sum = 0;
for (int kk = 0; kk < dim; kk++)
double axis_dist = X[ii*dim + kk] - cluster_centroid[cc*dim + kk];
dist_sum += sqr(axis_dist);
double mult = ((double)cluster_member_count[cc] / (cluster_member_count[cc] + ((cluster_assignment_cur[ii]==cc) ? -1 : +1)));
point_move_score_table[ii*dim + cc] = dist_sum * mult;
void perform_move(int dim, int n, int k, double *X, int *cluster_assignment, double *cluster_centroid, int *cluster_member_count, int move_point, int move_target_cluster)
int cluster_old = cluster_assignment[move_point];
int cluster_new = move_target_cluster;
// update cluster assignment array
cluster_assignment[move_point] = cluster_new;
// update cluster count array
if (cluster_member_count[cluster_old] <= 1)
printf("WARNING: Can't handle single-member clusters! \n");
// update centroid array
for (int ii = 0; ii < dim; ii++)
cluster_centroid[cluster_old*dim + ii] -= (X[move_point*dim + ii] - cluster_centroid[cluster_old*dim + ii]) / cluster_member_count[cluster_old];
cluster_centroid[cluster_new*dim + ii] += (X[move_point*dim + ii] - cluster_centroid[cluster_new*dim + ii]) / cluster_member_count[cluster_new];
void cluster_diag(int dim, int n, int k, double *X, int *cluster_assignment_index, double *cluster_centroid)
int cluster_member_count[MAX_CLUSTERS];
get_cluster_member_count(n, k, cluster_assignment_index, cluster_member_count);
printf(" Final clusters \n");
for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
printf(" cluster %d: members: %8d, centroid (%.1f %.1f) \n", ii, cluster_member_count[ii], cluster_centroid[ii*dim + 0], cluster_centroid[ii*dim + 1]);
void copy_assignment_array(int n, int *src, int *tgt)
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
tgt[ii] = src[ii];
int assignment_change_count(int n, int a[], int b[])
int change_count = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
if (a[ii] != b[ii])
return change_count;
void kmeans(
int dim, // dimension of data
double *X, // pointer to data
int n, // number of elements
int k, // number of clusters
double *cluster_centroid, // initial cluster centroids
int *cluster_assignment_final // output
double *dist = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * n * k);
int *cluster_assignment_cur = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
int *cluster_assignment_prev = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
double *point_move_score = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * n * k);
if (!dist || !cluster_assignment_cur || !cluster_assignment_prev || !point_move_score)
fail("Error allocating dist arrays");
// initial setup
calc_all_distances(dim, n, k, X, cluster_centroid, dist);
choose_all_clusters_from_distances(dim, n, k, dist, cluster_assignment_cur);
copy_assignment_array(n, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_assignment_prev);
double prev_totD = BIG_double;
int batch_iteration = 0;
while (batch_iteration < MAX_ITERATIONS)
// printf("batch iteration %d \n", batch_iteration);
// cluster_diag(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid);
// update cluster centroids
calc_cluster_centroids(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid);
// deal with empty clusters
// see if we've failed to improve
double totD = calc_total_distance(dim, n, k, X, cluster_centroid, cluster_assignment_cur);
if (totD > prev_totD)
// failed to improve - currently solution worse than previous
// restore old assignments
copy_assignment_array(n, cluster_assignment_prev, cluster_assignment_cur);
// recalc centroids
calc_cluster_centroids(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid);
printf(" negative progress made on this step - iteration completed (%.2f) \n", totD - prev_totD);
// done with this phase
// save previous step
copy_assignment_array(n, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_assignment_prev);
// move all points to nearest cluster
calc_all_distances(dim, n, k, X, cluster_centroid, dist);
choose_all_clusters_from_distances(dim, n, k, dist, cluster_assignment_cur);
int change_count = assignment_change_count(n, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_assignment_prev);
printf("%3d %u %9d %16.2f %17.2f\n", batch_iteration, 1, change_count, totD, totD - prev_totD);
// done with this phase if nothing has changed
if (change_count == 0)
printf(" no change made on this step - iteration completed \n");
prev_totD = totD;
cluster_diag(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid);
/* The online update prtion of this code has never worked properly, but batch update has been adequate for our projects so far.
int online_iteration = 0;
int last_point_moved = 0;
int cluster_changed[MAX_CLUSTERS];
for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
cluster_changed[ii] = 1;
int cluster_member_count[MAX_CLUSTERS];
get_cluster_member_count(n, k, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_member_count);
while (online_iteration < MAX_ITERATIONS)
// printf("online iteration %d \n", online_iteration);
// for each cluster
for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
if (cluster_changed[ii])
update_delta_score_table(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid, cluster_member_count, point_move_score, ii);
// pick a point to move
// look at points in sequence starting at one after previously moved point
int make_move = 0;
int point_to_move = -1;
int target_cluster = -1;
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++)
int point_to_consider = (last_point_moved + 1 + ii) % n;
// find the best target for it
int best_target_cluster = -1;
int best_match_count = 0;
double best_delta = BIG_double;
// for each possible target
for (int jj = 0; jj < k; jj++)
double cur_delta = point_move_score[point_to_consider*k + jj];
// is this the best move so far?
if (cur_delta < best_delta)
// yes - record it
best_target_cluster = jj;
best_delta = cur_delta;
best_match_count = 1;
else if (cur_delta == best_delta)
// no, but it's tied with the best one
// is the best cluster for this point its current cluster?
if (best_target_cluster == cluster_assignment_cur[point_to_consider])
// yes - don't move this point
// do we have a unique best move?
if (best_match_count > 1)
// no - don't move this point (ignore ties)
// yes - we've found a good point to move
point_to_move = point_to_consider;
target_cluster = best_target_cluster;
make_move = 1;
if (make_move)
// where should we move it to?
printf(" %10d: moved %d to %d \n", point_to_move, cluster_assignment_cur[point_to_move], target_cluster);
// mark which clusters have been modified
for (int ii = 0; ii < k; ii++)
cluster_changed[ii] = 0;
cluster_changed[cluster_assignment_cur[point_to_move[[ = 1;
cluster_changed[target_cluster] = 1;
// perform move
perform_move(dim, n, k, X, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_centroid, cluster_member_count, point_to_move, target_cluster);
// count an iteration every time we've cycled through all the points
if (point_to_move < last_point_moved)
last_point_moved = point_to_move;
// printf("iterations: %3d %3d \n", batch_iteration, online_iteration);
// write to output array
copy_assignment_array(n, cluster_assignment_cur, cluster_assignment_final);
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- 302 LFS211 Class Forum
- 56 LFS216 Class Forum
- 52 LFS241 Class Forum
- 50 LFS242 Class Forum
- 38 LFS243 Class Forum
- 16 LFS244 Class Forum
- 5 LFS245 Class Forum
- LFS246 Class Forum
- LFS248 Class Forum
- 54 LFS250 Class Forum
- 2 LFS250-JP クラス フォーラム
- 1 LFS251 Class Forum
- 156 LFS253 Class Forum
- 1 LFS254 Class Forum
- 1 LFS255 Class Forum
- 10 LFS256 Class Forum
- 1 LFS257 Class Forum
- 1.3K LFS258 Class Forum
- 11 LFS258-JP クラス フォーラム
- 135 LFS260 Class Forum
- 160 LFS261 Class Forum
- 43 LFS262 Class Forum
- 82 LFS263 Class Forum - Discontinued
- 15 LFS264 Class Forum - Discontinued
- 11 LFS266 Class Forum - Discontinued
- 24 LFS267 Class Forum
- 25 LFS268 Class Forum
- 32 LFS269 Class Forum
- 6 LFS270 Class Forum
- 202 LFS272 Class Forum - Discontinued
- 2 LFS272-JP クラス フォーラム
- 4 LFS147 Class Forum
- 1 LFS274 Class Forum
- 4 LFS281 Class Forum
- 15 LFW111 Class Forum
- 262 LFW211 Class Forum
- 184 LFW212 Class Forum
- 15 SKF100 Class Forum
- 1 SKF200 Class Forum
- 2 SKF201 Class Forum
- 797 Hardware
- 199 Drivers
- 68 I/O Devices
- 37 Monitors
- 104 Multimedia
- 174 Networking
- 91 Printers & Scanners
- 85 Storage
- 759 Linux Distributions
- 82 Debian
- 67 Fedora
- 17 Linux Mint
- 13 Mageia
- 23 openSUSE
- 148 Red Hat Enterprise
- 31 Slackware
- 13 SUSE Enterprise
- 354 Ubuntu
- 470 Linux System Administration
- 39 Cloud Computing
- 71 Command Line/Scripting
- Github systems admin projects
- 95 Linux Security
- 78 Network Management
- 102 System Management
- 47 Web Management
- 69 Mobile Computing
- 18 Android
- 38 Development
- 1.2K New to Linux
- 1K Getting Started with Linux
- 377 Off Topic
- 115 Introductions
- 175 Small Talk
- 26 Study Material
- 807 Programming and Development
- 304 Kernel Development
- 485 Software Development
- 1.8K Software
- 263 Applications
- 183 Command Line
- 3 Compiling/Installing
- 988 Games
- 317 Installation
- 103 All In Program
- 103 All In Forum
Upcoming Training
August 20, 2018
Kubernetes Administration (LFS458)
August 20, 2018
Linux System Administration (LFS301)
August 27, 2018
Open Source Virtualization (LFS462)
August 27, 2018
Linux Kernel Debugging and Security (LFD440)