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19.10 &19.11& 19.13 questions for SEMANAGE and SETROUBLESHOOT


I am using CentOS 6.7 and can't find the command "semanage" in the command line, such as:

19.10 sudo semanage fcontext.....

19.11 sudo semanage boolean -l

Otherwise, I can't find the log information regarding to setroubleshoot utility in the log "/var/log/messages" when I did the Lab 19.1.

Does anyone know this issue and can explain it, thank you in advance.




  • JimYi
    JimYi Posts: 2

    After install the package "setroubleshoot",the command semanage is available, but I still can't find the log information regarding to setroubleshoot utility in the log "/var/log/messages", is this change to another log file in CentOS 6.7??
  • i believe that setroubleshoot does not create it's own log file. It scans and monitors the audit.log for SELinux issues.

    with setroubleshoot package installed, you can run:

    sealert -a /var/log/audit/audit.log

    and it will scan the log for any SElinux issues.

    All setroubleshoot does is provide a User friendly utility for troubleshooting SELinux.


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