Zorin vs Ubuntu vs ?
Loved Windows XP and 7, saw the disaster that W8 was, skipped it and now went to W10. Honestly, I don't like it much at all.
*Start Small Windows Rant*
This version of Windows is completely un-customizable. About all you can do is change the color of your start menu and taskbar. You can't even change the title bar colors, so now one has a blinding white with every window you open. They couldn't even bring back the W7 start menu, they say they did, but honestly, it's complete junk. Can't customize it, horrible format which is what is needed, the W7 start menu format, that's what people want.
You have to manually add back sounds for the trash, going through folders, turning PC off, etc. Every sound it has sounds about the same anyways.
It also comes with tons of installed bloat. Which leads me to Cortana crap. The last thing I want is someone to be sending any / all my information to Microsoft, taking up computer resources, etc. Then being forced to install ALL the updates Microsoft has, so dealing with Defender is annoying. Course there are about 15 other things installed like news, xbox, groove music, etc.
*End Small Windows Rant*
I could go on for hours, but I've decided to move to Linux now. I know nothing about it, I know there are a lot of versions and such. From what I can tell there are 2 main desktop OS's that are a complete OS. Zorin and Ubuntu.
With the OS I have installed I want to be able to fully customize it. I actually like the look of the Windows taskbar and the block start menu shape. So I'd want this, quick access on anything I open like Windows has, but I don't want bloatware.
[u]*Start Linux Questions*
I heard that Linux doesn't play games though, or sucks doing it? I only play BF4 and Path of Exile, these 2 OS's will play them right?
I also noticed that operating a Linux based OS it's a lot of CMD coding?
Also what about my programs? I always see download for Windows 7, 8 and 10. Do Window installers work for Linus? I use like 5 Adobe products, Steam, Origin, CCleaner, etc.
*End Linux Questions*
I just want a solid OS that has no bloatware, fully custimizable visually and every other way, stable / quick with no extra anything taking up PC resources, etc.
So has anyone tried these and is it worth switching? Can Linux do what I want? I'm just tired of Windows and their games.
TL;DR - I just want a solid OS that has no bloatware, fully custimizable visually and every other way, stable / quick with no extra anything taking up PC resources, etc. That will also work with my drivers.
stellarmandela wrote:thanks for this article i think ubuntu better
What's the real difference? Are they both fully custimizable? I'd like to make my Linus OS taskbar to look like Windows 10 and such.0 -
1) You could revert your Windows 10 back to Windows 7. Windows 7 will get fixes until 14th January, 2020 - nearly 5 years. http://www.pcworld.com/article/2462643/what-happens-when-microsoft-ends-windows-7-mainstream-support-next-year.html
2) Try Ubuntu and Zorin without affecting your Hard Drive at all, as though they had never been there. http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2012/09/5-ways-to-try-linux-without-messing-up.html
3) There are 1,000 games available through Steam http://www.pcworld.com/article/2896797/steam-hits-1000-linux-games-days-after-valves-big-steam-machine-reveal.html
and others can be run on PlayOnLinux https://www.playonlinux.com/en/supported_apps-1-0.html
3) Zorin is OK but the community is bigger for Ubuntu - or maybe Linux Mint.
4)If you depend on Microsoft products or Adobe products, for that matter, then you cannot use Linux as your only operating system. Period. This is the ultra-harsh truth. It is not feasible to run these products using the WINE compatibility layer, either. Yes, nerds will tell you about WINE, and how it lets you run Windows programs. Well, it’s like saying that Earth supports life, but you can’t have humans surviving in the middle of an ocean for long, now, can you?
Honestly, this is one of the most critical problems. All and any Microsoft software will probably be the deal breaker. Expensive image and video manipulation suites are right there, side by side with Office, Visual Studio and friends. You can blame Linux, you can blame the companies, but it does not matter. If you must, you must, and there’s no way circumventing it.
5) You do not need to have Windows OR Linux. You can have Windows AND Linux. Dual boot.0 -
I would have to agree with the moderator on a few good points. The best thing you can do is to burn a live cd to try out a distro first to see if you like it!
My recommendation would be to check out Ubuntu MATE or even Xubuntu. These distros replicate an older form of Linux that was INCREDIBLY customizable and as you learn more about Linux you can find even more ways to customize
I also say go with an Ubuntu distro because Steam is supported and easily installed in Ubuntu as well as video card drivers, as they can be a pain in the but: Ubuntu makes both of those easy.
As the moderator has also stated, Adobe just does not play with Linux. There is GIMP which is similar to Photoshop and Inkscape which is similar to Illustrator: both of which are available for Windows so you can try them out before making any serious decisions.
As for command line stuff....Linux is becoming more and more user friendly everyday and you can get by pretty far without command line, especially in Ubuntu. Ubuntu has a software center that kind of works like an app store on your cell phone. The difference is the command line opens of a WORLD of things you can't do easily or at all on Windows. Wouldn't it be nice to install all your favorite programs by typing in a single command line and NOT have to go find them all, download them, and install them? Linux can do that when you are good and ready.
There is also the option of dual booting, which is what I do. I use Linux for everything including gaming with the exception of games not offered in Linux on Steam, and anything in Origin or Uplay
The thing that all new Linux users need to understand is this: you didn't sit at a Windows computer and become a pro your first time. Yes, Linux is different, but its not much harder than Windows IF you are patient and willing to re-learn.0
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