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Access to edX Linux System Administration Essentials

I wish I had access to the edX Linux System Administration Essentials Course with the same login that I have with my Linux Foundation Course Training Portal. I feel bad particularly because I missed it just by two weeks... I haven't scheduled the exam yet because I don't feel confident enough even after taking the LFCS201 course. :(


  • gserlenga
    gserlenga Posts: 11
    edited August 2015
    To be honest, I've taken and mostly finished LFS101 and am working on LFS201 now. I spend about 2% of my total linux/unix sysadmin study time directly in the class materials, and 98% of it in independent research projects outside of class. I look at studying this topic as a full time job which requires a lot of hands on experimentation and practice if I want to really gain a depth and breadth of understanding and real-world applicable proficiency.
  • I also took LFS101x.2 almost 3 months ago. I really liked the way the whole course was put together. So, I just wish I could gain access and look around. I cannot pay another 500 just to gain access. LOL
  • gserlenga
    gserlenga Posts: 11
    edited August 2015
    I take pretty copious notes so almost anything in the course that is noteworthy to me (which is almost everything) gets recorded in my own words in working notes or gets hands on action on my networked home machines, RaspPi, and a cheap Digitalocean cloud server monthly rental. The quantity and range of stuff you need to know is heavy I agree, but I enjoy the challenge of trying (I keep telling myself..)
  • You can register at no cost for the Introduction to Linux class on edX: https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-linux-linuxfoundationx-lfs101x-2

    The $99 is optional if you want a verified certificate. If you just want access to the material you don't need to pay.


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