Welcome to the Linux Foundation Forum!

Subscribing to Open Source.

Greetings my name is Michael.
I am excited to be here with you all.

In my life I have often come across people who think they are smarter than most people because of their ability to make money on ways that many other people choose not to because of their morals and ethical values. For example taking advantage of people's vulnerabilities, fears, and insecurities, or simply lying.
While our economic system rewards these behaviors I am hopeful and grateful to know so many good people who choose to live more honestly.
With engineered obsolescence and subscription business models I instead want to be a part of and contribute to a more collaborative and open source path. I subscribe to a better world that many before me have given their lives to. These people most of whom we shall never know their names are my heros.
I wish you all successful and light filled journeys.


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