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Career Changer Diving into Blockchain for Supply Chain - Advice Needed!

Hi everyone,

I'm excited to embark on a new chapter in my career! I have over 15 years of experience in sales and marketing, and over 10 years as an entrepreneur creating products and services for business owners. Now, I'm diving into the supply chain industry and learning about the inefficiencies and challenges faced by everyone from carriers to distribution centers and brokers.

My ultimate goal is to build a blockchain-based platform that provides transparency and visibility for all stakeholders in the supply chain. I envision working with a team of passionate developers to bring this vision to life.

This is a big shift for me, as I don't have a background in programming. I previously managed a team of four developers on an ERP project for small businesses, but due to limited resources, it didn't come to fruition. While I have some basic technical knowledge, I'm dedicating this first year to learning as much as possible about blockchain development. I plan to organize my ideas and thoroughly document my progress to ensure a clear path for project execution.

Any advice for a beginner in this field would be greatly appreciated!



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