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Issue with Section State-Based Endorsement Policies

In the lab it says to run:
./network.sh deployCC -ccn sbe -ccp
../asset-transfer-sbe/chaincode-typescript/ -ccl typescript

That will return this error:
Error: failed to read chaincode package at 'sbe.tar.gz': open sbe.tar.gz: no such file or directory

Now I know the issue is just that this lab is missing instructions to package the chaincode, so I package it myself like this:
peer lifecycle chaincode package sbe.tar.gz --path ../asset-transfer-sbe/chaincode-typescript --lang typescript --label asset_0001

But I am now getting this error:
Chaincode definition approved on peer0.org1 on channel 'mychannel' failed
Deploying chaincode failed

What went wrong here?


  • rlong29
    rlong29 Posts: 9

    ** I package it with this command:
    peer lifecycle chaincode package sbe.tar.gz --path ../asset-transfer-sbe/chaincode-typescript --lang node --label asset_0001

  • Dayal22
    Dayal22 Posts: 2

    Hi @rlong29, Package command is part of the deployCC script and once you run the given deployCC command, chaincode will be packaged, installed, and deployed, there is no need to run the package command separately. Please share the error screenshots so we can help you better.


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