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Smart Contract Deployment: parsePeerConnectionParameters:16: bad substitution

When following the steps on the Smart Contract Deployment chapter, when I run: source ./scripts/setPeerConnectionParam.sh 1 2

I get this error:
errorln () {
println "${C_RED}${1}${C_RESET}"
successln () {
println "${C_GREEN}${1}${C_RESET}"
infoln () {
println "${C_BLUE}${1}${C_RESET}"
warnln () {
println "${C_YELLOW}${1}${C_RESET}"
Using organization 1
parsePeerConnectionParameters:16: bad substitution


  • Dayal22
    Dayal22 Posts: 2

    To solve this issue, please rerun the command in the bash terminal if you are using Mac OS.


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