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Lab 6.1 I'm stuck at step 6 approve pull request.

The pr shows pipeline failed on the GitHub pull request page. The error seems to be:

Error: looks like "https://storage.googleapis.com/jenkinsxio/charts" is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached: failed to fetch https://storage.googleapis.com/jenkinsxio/charts/index.yaml : 404 Not Found

The following is the JenkinsX dashboard log for the pr:

Showing logs for build [32mlfs268-z4kz/node-lab/pr-1 #1[0m stage [32mfrom-build-pack[0m and container [32mprepare[0m
2024/12/23 19:31:04 Entrypoint initialization

Showing logs for build [32mlfs268-z4kz/node-lab/pr-1 #1[0m stage [32mfrom-build-pack[0m and container [32mplace-scripts[0m
2024/12/23 19:31:05 Decoded script /tekton/scripts/script-0-dzfb6
2024/12/23 19:31:05 Decoded script /tekton/scripts/script-1-lg9js
2024/12/23 19:31:05 Decoded script /tekton/scripts/script-2-cw9v9
2024/12/23 19:31:05 Decoded script /tekton/scripts/script-3-bt4mv
2024/12/23 19:31:05 Decoded script /tekton/scripts/script-4-tnf8z
2024/12/23 19:31:05 Decoded script /tekton/scripts/script-6-pqnlw
2024/12/23 19:31:05 Decoded script /tekton/scripts/script-7-5fnjn

Showing logs for build [32mlfs268-z4kz/node-lab/pr-1 #1[0m stage [32mfrom-build-pack[0m and container [32mworking-dir-initializer[0m

Showing logs for build [32mlfs268-z4kz/node-lab/pr-1 #1[0m stage [32mfrom-build-pack[0m and container [32mstep-git-clone[0m
git cloning url: https://github.com/LFS268-z4kz/node-lab.git version refs/pull/1/head:PR-1@d17c120da6dc8b4ee1d651deb7cac983cc54694c to dir: source
Cloning into 'source'...
From https://github.com/LFS268-z4kz/node-lab
* [new ref] refs/pull/1/head -> PR-1
Switched to branch 'PR-1'
HEAD is now at d17c120 modify welcome message
checked out revision: refs/pull/1/head:PR-1@d17c120da6dc8b4ee1d651deb7cac983cc54694c to dir: source

Showing logs for build [32mlfs268-z4kz/node-lab/pr-1 #1[0m stage [32mfrom-build-pack[0m and container [32mstep-git-merge[0m
setup git user email jenkins-x@googlegroups.com
Using SHAs from PULL_REFS=main:f9959142accf38c504b90dabcfeb8711cb30ef64,1:d17c120da6dc8b4ee1d651deb7cac983cc54694c:refs/pull/1/head
using base branch main and base sha f9959142accf38c504b90dabcfeb8711cb30ef64
merging sha: d17c120da6dc8b4ee1d651deb7cac983cc54694c

Showing logs for build [32mlfs268-z4kz/node-lab/pr-1 #1[0m stage [32mfrom-build-pack[0m and container [32mstep-jx-variables[0m
WARNING: no $GIT_SECRET_MOUNT_PATH environment variable set
about to run: git clone https://github.com/LFS268-z4kz/jx3-gke-gsm.git /tmp/jx-git-2800303168 in dir /tmp
Cloning into '/tmp/jx-git-2800303168'...
export APP_NAME='node-lab'
export BRANCH_NAME='PR-1'
export BUILD_NUMBER='1'
export DOCKERFILE_PATH='Dockerfile'
export DOCKER_REGISTRY='gcr.io'
export DOCKER_REGISTRY_ORG='jenkinsx-444410'
export DOMAIN=''
about to run: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD in dir .
export GIT_BRANCH='main'
export JENKINS_X_URL='http://dashboard-jx.'
export JX_CHART_REPOSITORY='http://jenkins-x-chartmuseum.jx.svc.cluster.local:8080'
export KANIKO_FLAGS='--skip-unused-stages --snapshot-mode=redo'
export MINK_AS='tekton-bot'
version file VERSION does not exist
export MINK_IMAGE='gcr.io/jenkinsx-444410/node-lab:0.0.0-PR-1-1-SNAPSHOT'
export PIPELINE_KIND='pullrequest'
export REPO_NAME='node-lab'
export REPO_OWNER='LFS268-z4kz'
version file VERSION does not exist
export VERSION='0.0.0-PR-1-1-SNAPSHOT'
added variables to file: .jx/variables.sh
about to run: git config --get user.name in dir .
about to run: git config --get user.email in dir .
about to run: git config --global --add user.name root in dir .
about to run: git add * in dir .
about to run: git status -s in dir .
A .jx/variables.sh
about to run: git commit -m chore: add variables in dir .
[main 4f024be] chore: add variables
1 file changed, 21 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 .jx/variables.sh
added variables to file: .jx/variables.sh

Showing logs for build [32mlfs268-z4kz/node-lab/pr-1 #1[0m stage [32mfrom-build-pack[0m and container [32mstep-build-npm-install[0m
npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
npm WARN REPLACE_ME@1.0.0 No repository field.
npm WARN REPLACE_ME@1.0.0 No license field.

up to date in 0.537s
found 0 vulnerabilities

Showing logs for build [32mlfs268-z4kz/node-lab/pr-1 #1[0m stage [32mfrom-build-pack[0m and container [32mstep-build-npm-test[0m

REPLACE_ME@1.0.0 test /workspace/source
echo "no test specified" && exit 0

no test specified

Showing logs for build [32mlfs268-z4kz/node-lab/pr-1 #1[0m stage [32mfrom-build-pack[0m and container [32mstep-check-registry[0m
sourcing .jx/variables.sh
verifying the container registry is setup
WARNING: no $GIT_SECRET_MOUNT_PATH environment variable set
about to run: git clone https://github.com/LFS268-z4kz/jx3-gke-gsm.git /tmp/jx-git-3233595631 in dir /tmp
Cloning into '/tmp/jx-git-3233595631'...
no ECR code necessary as using provider gke

Showing logs for build [32mlfs268-z4kz/node-lab/pr-1 #1[0m stage [32mfrom-build-pack[0m and container [32mstep-build-container-build[0m
[36mINFO[0m[0000] Retrieving image manifest node:12-slim
[36mINFO[0m[0000] Retrieving image node:12-slim from registry index.docker.io
[36mINFO[0m[0000] Built cross stage deps: map[]
[36mINFO[0m[0000] Retrieving image manifest node:12-slim
[36mINFO[0m[0000] Returning cached image manifest
[36mINFO[0m[0000] Executing 0 build triggers
[36mINFO[0m[0000] Building stage 'node:12-slim' [idx: '0', base-idx: '-1']
[36mINFO[0m[0000] Unpacking rootfs as cmd COPY . . requires it.
[36mINFO[0m[0010] ENV PORT 8080
[36mINFO[0m[0010] EXPOSE 8080
[36mINFO[0m[0010] Cmd: EXPOSE
[36mINFO[0m[0010] Adding exposed port: 8080/tcp
[36mINFO[0m[0010] WORKDIR /usr/src/app
[36mINFO[0m[0010] Cmd: workdir
[36mINFO[0m[0010] Changed working directory to /usr/src/app
[36mINFO[0m[0010] Creating directory /usr/src/app
[36mINFO[0m[0010] Taking snapshot of files...
[36mINFO[0m[0010] COPY . .
[36mINFO[0m[0010] Taking snapshot of files...
[36mINFO[0m[0010] CMD ["npm", "start"]
[36mINFO[0m[0010] Pushing image to gcr.io/jenkinsx-444410/node-lab:0.0.0-PR-1-1-SNAPSHOT
[36mINFO[0m[0011] Pushed gcr.io/jenkinsx-444410/node-lab@sha256:fb38a0594730ca724a60b01a96d5001c6961269c2b507534b08e4fb65fdb2533

Showing logs for build [32mlfs268-z4kz/node-lab/pr-1 #1[0m stage [32mfrom-build-pack[0m and container [32mstep-promote-jx-preview[0m
found PullRequest https://github.com/LFS268-z4kz/node-lab/pull/1
using ingress sub domain -jx-lfs268-z4kz-node-lab-pr-1.
upserted preview jx-lfs268-z4kz-node-lab-pr-1
passing env vars into helmfile: map[string]string{"APP_NAME":"node-lab", "DOCKER_REGISTRY":"gcr.io", "DOCKER_REGISTRY_ORG":"jenkinsx-444410", "PREVIEW_NAMESPACE":"jx-lfs268-z4kz-node-lab-pr-1", "VERSION":"0.0.0-PR-1-1-SNAPSHOT"}
error: failed to helmfile sync: failed to run helmfile repos: failed to run 'helmfile --file preview/helmfile.yaml repos' command in directory '', output: 'Adding repo jx3 https://storage.googleapis.com/jenkinsxio/charts
in preview/helmfile.yaml: command "/usr/bin/helm" exited with non-zero status:


0: helm (4 bytes)
1: repo (4 bytes)
2: add (3 bytes)
3: jx3 (3 bytes)
4: https://storage.googleapis.com/jenkinsxio/charts (48 bytes)
5: --force-update (14 bytes)

exit status 1


Error: looks like "https://storage.googleapis.com/jenkinsxio/charts" is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached: failed to fetch https://storage.googleapis.com/jenkinsxio/charts/index.yaml : 404 Not Found

Error: looks like "https://storage.googleapis.com/jenkinsxio/charts" is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached: failed to fetch https://storage.googleapis.com/jenkinsxio/charts/index.yaml : 404 Not Found'
Pipeline failed on stage 'from-build-pack' : container 'step-promote-jx-preview'. The execution of the pipeline has stopped.[0m


  • @zacts, could you go past this? Not exactly sure why are you getting this error. If retries dont work, I would try a clean restart. In other words, destroy the cluster and start afresh.


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