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Labs from Lesson 4 onwards, can they be completed with MINIKUBE on single node host?


I wonder if we can complete the rest of Labs (chapter 4 onwards) using Minikube (single node host) instead of the initial K8s cluster (1 cp + 1 worker node).

In the event they need to be completed with initial cluster configuration (Lab 3), which commands do we need to run whenever we restart the instances where the k8s cluster resides? kubadm reset for both nodes, and kubeadm init for the cp?

Thanks for your time.

Josep Maria


  • Hi @josepmaria,

    When restarting the EC2 instances the Kubernetes cluster should boot itself, no extra steps required.

    The reset command would invalidate the cluster and wipe clean all configuration on each node executing the command. This will adversely impact all your workload, complicating the successful completion of several exercises that are built to be executed sequentially.

    Minikube may support a limited number of exercises, but most exercises have been written for a multi-node cluster, hence the recommendation to provision the lab environment VMs on a local hypervisor or cloud providers such as AWS, GCP, Azure, IBM Cloud, DigitalOcean...


  • Hi @chrispokorni ,

    Thanks for your time and explanation, I appreciate it.

    I shall complete the course using the Kubernetes cluster I have created on aws ec2 instances.

    Pleased to know I do not have to run the commands kubeadm reset and kubeadm init everytime I restart the ec2 instances.... now I understand why the cluster did not work as exepected after running those commnands, and I had to launch new instances to recreate the the cluster again.

    I look forward to continue learning from your courses and explanations.

    Josep Maria


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